He smiles with slight dimples on his face, placing his palm under my chin and lifting my face up to reflect his.

He takes the next action, removing my thongs and slidding his nude body over mine.

With a kiss or two, he very slowly starts sliding into me.

Only being an inch into me at the moment, my nerves get the best of me.

"Niall?" I gulp.

"What's wrong babe?" compassion is clearly shown on his perfect face.

"Ni-all, I -I can't go through with this." I look up into his sweet eyes.

"Are ya' sure?" he blinks.

"I'm worried that my dad will find out or catch us." I bite my tongue.

"I have an idea." He slides out of me, pulling himself and I up.

"Let's get dressed and go somewhere private." He adds.

"Okay, thanks." I give him a relieving, thankful smile.

Once we both are dressed, he takes off and switches the music on to a really loud setting.

I smile at the kids running behind us, desperately wanting some ice cream.

"Niall!? Pull over." I smile at him, tugging gently on the collar of his shirt.

"No, I crave for something more than they crave for a dairy treat.

He looks me up and down, bringing me chills throughout my body.

"Ummm, okay uh. Yeah, those kids can wait." I giggle, excitedly.

As he drives for a while longer, I put my head up and notice a turn he is making that leaves town.



"Where are you taking us to?" He smile, showing sweet innocence on his face.

Before he returns the answer, he puts his hand on my thigh.

"It's a surprise." He raises his eyebrows, giving me a new-found joy.

The next moment later he turns on music, to which I guess the voice and lyrics are from Justin Timberlake.

I lay my head back, slowly drifting off into a deeper and deeper sleep.

Thoughts springing through my mind, starts to vanish as my body comes to rest.

Being asleep, I still feel everything that's happening around me and the heavy traffic that seems to grow.

"Babe?" I hear a chuckle.

I start to wake, with a yawn escaping from my drooling mouth.

I hurry and wipe my face, feeling deep embarrassment.

"Oh, uh...Hi Niall..."

I nervously smile.

"Sorry to wake you, but uh.."


I wipe my crusty eyes, filled with sleep.

"Sorry to tell ya' but baby,.. You're snoring."

His cheeks redden.

"Oh..., whoops."

I fill heavier embarrassment flooding into me.

"Guess what?" I look at him curiously.

"We're almost there."

A smile parts on his face, as I stretch my arms and try all I can to stay awake.

"The Ice Cream Truck"Where stories live. Discover now