Chapter 24

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"That's shit, she can't be injured that badly! No!" The doctor sighs, showing no sympathy.

"I'm sorry, that's just how it is." I try to stop further tears, shutting my eyes as tight as I can.

"Well, I would suggest you leave her here to rest, we'll do what we can."

Without a response, I hold in my breath and run out of the building as fast as my legs can manage.

I find a near by bench for me to sit for awhile, so i can calm all the nerves shooting through my body. As the sun is almost down, I call for a taxi to come and get me.

Feeling nervous and extremely impatient, I wait for a good hour before It gets here.

As much as I want to curse the driver out for showing up so late, I decide not to as I lay back on the leather seat, starting to relax.

Telling him the name of the Motel I'm staying at, he gets me there faster than I imagined.

"Well, here you go Mr. Horan. It will be no charge." He gives me a wide, creepy smile.

"Nah, what's the price now?" The man laughs, matching his creepy smile.

"Actually, my daughters love you and your music. So could I get an autograph?"

Nodding my head, I sign out their names, then mine,with a dark, blue pen.

I hand the small notepad to him, watching his excitement grow.

"Thanks Niall, they'll be so happy, you have a nice night." i grin, exiting out the taxi and walking a block up to my Motel.

Almost there, I make it to an alley way, being stopped in my tracks.

"Well, well look guys it's that Irish boy from that band."

Big biker-looking men grab ahold of my shirt.

"what's it called?" another guy joins in.

"I think it's....Gay Direction."

"No. No, all wrong." Another one joins in.

"It's that baby boy band, One Dumb Direction." The rest of the group roars in laughter.

"Where are your other gay mates?" He breathes in my face, sharing the disgusting smell of garlic and sweaty feet.

I gag, making them all laugh much harder.

"Where are you off to princess?" If only I could kick his arse...

"To my Motel garlic feet." I sass back, trying my best to insult him.

"What was that?" I swear I can hear a growl in his voice.

"Garlic, feet!"

"You wanna' play with us?!" he speaks, while slapping me across each cheek.

The burn start to fade away, with a sudden punch in the nose.

"Quit dripping your blood every where dick!" the next move is spent, by me being lifted up from three of them.

They drag me down the dark alley, as my head bounces up and down on the rocky ground.

I was wrong, life has gotten worse.

I keep screaming until my throat runs dry, with no source of help in sight.

With a chuckle, they throw me in the trunk of a black truck and duct tape my mouth shut.

They hop in, speeding off through the dark city, increasing the speed every couple of minutes.

I wave my hands in the air, desperately trying to get someone's attention.

I give up on my motives, as nothing I do helps me in any way.

The shiver escaping my lips, defines fear and very little chill.

If I thought life was bad before, I would give any thing to return to my past days, touring with the four other lads.

Death is the only thing I can predict what is soon to happen next.

With panic, I watch as each can of beer is thrown out the window, hitting my body.

I hold on tight, as the vehicle swerves down the highway, due to the drunks and their humorous night.

Each time they hit an animal walking along the road, my stomach feels sicker and sicker.

Somewhere far along, we come to a stop making me jolt up into the air.

Each second feels like minutes dragging along, giving me more and more trauma.

As they still remain seated in the car, I try to clear my head and come up with some sensible ideas. Nothing comes to mind, as none of my thoughts satisfy my relief.

A second later, I feel a vibration in my left jean pocket.

It takes me a second to realize that the buzzing came from my phone.

"Hello?" I whisper.

"Hey, man. It's Harry."

"Um, I"

"With what? Finding the refrigerator?" A loud cackle escapes his mouth.

"Not funny right now. I was..kidnapped." I try to sound as serious as I can.

"Kidnapped? Niall, are you sleep talking again?...what's the story this time."

Before I can get a word out, I jump to the loud noise of car doors slamming.

I hang the phone up quickly, sliding it back into my pocket.

"now it's time for the real fun..." the tape is ripped off my face, leaving an even worse burning sensation to my skin.

"Come on blondie, get out." I hurry myself out of the trunk, nearly falling on the dirt, covered road.

One of the men drag me by the back of my shirt, leading me to a forest about a mile away.

Muscles weakened, sore skin, they make me run nonstop until I pass out.

I wake up to the sight of pitch black surrounding me.

I panic trying to make it out, but also a seed of relief that I'm still alive.

Backing up a few steps, my back hits a wall, scaring the shit out of me.

I scream, hearing it echo against each wall.

Walking a little further, I come across a tiny ray of light just straight ahead. I run down the dark cave, feeling spider webs break against my skin.

Reaching the light, I crawl under an open hole beneath the cave wall.

A minute later i'm outside, taking notice of the chilly morning.

I must've been put in the cave last night, but I don't understand why.

What?, they thought I would just die in there. I sure was lucky to be stuck with idiots dumber than I.

Taking another breath, I walk for hours straight trying to find any local store or any place where I can find help.

The day ends, making me even more frustrated and fucking terrified.

"The Ice Cream Truck"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ