Chapter 16

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Adrianna's POV.

I can't help but smile, as the Irish boy cutely heads out of my room.

If I was going out with him, I wonder what it was like...

If he kissed me....


My heart flutters at the next thought of what we might of done.

How he would start it off...

So badly I wish to go back in time and relive whatever we did and feelings I might of felt.

But now, whenever this blonde guy is around me I feel no connection whatsoever.

But on the positive side, at least I got some of my memory back yesterday.

Which is only of my family, and my childhood.

The things I still don't remember are my 'Boyfriend' and any school memories.

But, I still might want to see that boy again. Ummm....

I think...his name was.....Kyle?

No... That sounds too American. I'm pretty sure it started with an 'N'.

As I think for a few minutes, I finally come to what his name is.

I remember a couple days ago, he told me his name was Niall.

And, that he was from some boy band called, "One Direction."

I laugh at many names you could make out of that, like: Wrong Direction, One Erection, e.c.t......

Suddenly, a tall nurse walks into my room with some paper work in her hands.

"Hello, dear." She widely smiles.

"Um, hi." I take a drink of my grape juice.

"I am to tell you that you may check out of here by tomorrow morning." She sets the stack of paperwork on my bed table.

"That's great, finally get to leave."

"On this front sheet, you are to sign your signature under the written paragraphs.

And on the rest, all you have to do is take the survey about your time being here."

I feel as if she's giving me some long test, you would take at a school final.

I scan my eyes at all the spread questions through out each page.

-"So, is that clear?" She adds.

"Yeah, I guess so. Do I really have to fill all of that out?" I shake my head, annoyed.

"Yes, you are required to." She adjusts her square-shaped glasses.

"Fine." I sigh. She holds on to her long skirt, as she gets up from the rolling chair.

Without looking at me, she quickly vanishes from my room.

I search around with my eyes, for any sight of a pen.

I finally catch a blue gel pen, lying under a lamp beside me.

I start the first page, only making it to the third sentence, falling asleep.

Niall's POV.

With a happy mood I'm in, I decide to ride along through some neighborhoods.

As I pull into a near by neighborhood, I switch the button to 'On' so the musical jingles can be heard.

My speedometer quickly drops and I drive very slowly down each street.

Making it to the second street, my first customers practically chase me up the street, yelling and crying for a delicious treat.

I look back and sigh in relief that the customers are adults.

I pull over on a slanted side walk and unlock the freezers behind me.

"Hello, whatcha' getting today?" Thickness spreads through my accent.

To that, a younger lady covers her mouth at the sight of me.

"Oh my G**! It's Niall!" I shush her, hoping no young, crazed girls heard that.

I take a picture with her and continue with the rest of the day selling ice cream.

With the freezers completely emptied, I make way back to the hotel.

I open our room door, taking in the strong scent of chicken Harry must of made for dinner.

I laugh, seeing Harry wearing a pink apron and a fluffy chef hat.

After smacking me, he calls everyone telling that the chicken is ready and they all come running in.

Finishing dinner, my stuffed belly and I head to my room, targeting the bed.

I doze into sleep, with the thought of Adrianna still remaining in my head.

With that, a chain of dreams of her play through the night.

"The Ice Cream Truck"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora