Chapter 27

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With four more days left until our break is over, I sit back and relax, while laying under the hot sun.

I raise my head, to the sight of beautiful girls in bikinis walking passed me.

Just before I catch their attention to start flirting, my phone loudly goes off.

I reach in my beach bag, picking up an object that feels like my phone.

I unlock the screen, answering the call.

Without checking the contact, I immeadiatly know who it is as they begin to talk.


"Are you busy at the moment?" the heavy Irish accent reveals who's on the other line.

"Niall, um...Where are you exactly?"

"In Denver. Are you able to fly down?"

"It's kind of hard, I'm in California. What do you need?"

"Your help...Before I..."

"Before what? Are you alright?" I hear muffled breathing.

"Just please get here as fast as you can.."

Before I can continue the conversation, he hangs up.

As to what might be going on, i make no hesitation as I grab my bag and hurry to the airport.


I sit here with a deep panic, staring at the sharp knife that lyes on the silver counter top.

As I can almost hear it call out to me, my body begins to rapidly shake.

To my eyes, I see it glow and continuesely cry out for me.

With another minute passing, I cannot wait any longer with my temperature rising and my mental state beginning to slip away from me.

With a scream or more, I tighten my fingers around the knife and jab it into my lower stomach.

Weakness takes place, as I drop the knife, next being my body.

As my body hits the cold floor, my muscles twitch and I begin to lose conscienceness.

To follow, my vision goes completely black and I am left lying here stiff.


The plane is about to land, as I feel everything lower and warnings to shut off all electronics.

With faster speed, we make a smooth landing and we come to a stop after sliding against the ground.

Unbuckling my belt from the seat, I stretch myself up and step into the aisle.

I quickly pull my bag out from the bunk above, using all of my strength and run out into the fresh air.

I immediatetely recognize Denver like I saw it before, as I walk into the entrance of the airport.

As reality leads back to me, Niall enters my mind, killing my joyful smile.

I shakily pick up my phone and dial Niall's number.

I start to feel relief by hearing his voice, but sheer panic to follow when I realize it's his voicemail playing.

I call him several times again, with his voicemail memorized at the top of my head.

"Shit!" I scream aloud, forgetting about the people that surround me.

I run from my current spot, bolting out the door and jumping in an empty taxi.

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