Weirdo. I made my way to Jacob and he already had two sets of lunch box presented on the table. With a frown I grumpily sat beside him. I was deeply angered by her words. How dare she even!

"What's with the face?" Jacob asks


Cold. That's what my words felt like. But my dear best friend is acting like it never does any damage to him, instead he rested his chin on one of his palm staring at me.

"You're too grumpy, is that it?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

When most would find this annoying, Jacob just laughs and picks up his chopsticks with his free hand and captured a kimbab with the two metal utensils.

"Are you too grumpy to eat then?" he teases positioning the food near my mouth. "You don't want it? Are you sure?"

With a small huff I opened my mouth and took the small piece of it chewing lightly. And instantly my face brightened.

"Hmm, this is really good." My eyes widened looking at him in a way that's impressed and proud.

He releases a laugh that show both amusement and adoration. Jacob was entertained at how easily swayed [Y/N] is sometimes, it's worrisome.

"Are you sad Younghoon will never like you?" he points out

My now slightly light mood dropped again and I returned to my frown.

"Are you upset that she keeps leaving you for Juyeon?" another point was shot.

I shut my fists and look at him asking him to stop.

"Are you bothered about not having a boyfrie-"

"Yes Jacob! I am bothered by my terrible love life! Stop shoving it in my face!" I yell and shoved a whole kimbab in my mouth without hesitation.

He just stares at me with a sweet smile on his lips. I couldn't tell whether it was teasing or comforting. All I know is that it was beautiful either ways. How dare he look so handsome when I'm upset.

"Let's solve your issue then, and get you a boyfriend." Jacob says pushing a drink towards me since my mouth was full.

"No offense but you have no love experience to lend a hand. And besides who'd I even date?" I said covering my mouth filled with food trying to respond to him. I grab the drink he offered to rinse down the food in my throat.

"Date me."

Two words that was able to leave me in a state of shock. I pause dumbfounded. I blinked a few times before gulping the remaining food left and looked at him "What?"

"Well you wanted to experience having a boyfriend. Why not try it with me? I mean we are friends. There's nothing wrong with it."

"oh? Like a relationship training?" I rode with it like an idiot. I nod "Yeah, sure. But let's not go overboard."

"Then it's settled, let's go on a date tonight."

I blinked for a couple of times. "Already?!"


I was holding on to Jacob's arm as we walked around the amusement park. This was a common gesture for both of us so it wasn't a problem. Until he slid his arm down to hold my hand. Usually it would've been fine but he locked out hands together which conflicted with my thoughts.

I smiled widely. What? Can't I be happy for this small gesture? I've never seen Jacob look so shy.

"You sly boy." I teased leaning on his arm a bit. "Don't you think you're taking advantage of this moment?"

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