Junior Attacks, Defend Earth!!!

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During the world martial arts tournament, Goku and Thorn had made it to the finals where they both had to fight each other after a fighter named Junior made his ways through his competition. Thorn stretched his shoulders and cracked his neck while saying to Goku "You do know I won't be taking this easy right? We may be brothers Goku but like I said I won't be taking this easy." Goku stretched his legs and said to Thorn during this "I wouldn't have it any other way Thorn! Let's do this!" Both of the Saiyans took their respective stances and waited for the official call to start their fight which when they heard they could start, both men charged each other and began to use what they called "feeler attacks" Thorn's plan was to use his speed to see where Goku was most vulnerable while allowing himself to be pushed a bit as to better counter Goku when ready however what Thorn didn't realize was that Goku was also on the same page but he was using his power to fight instead of relying on his speed. Bulma along with the others watched in amazement as they could see the fighters striking each other will little or no success until finally Thorn used something called Afterimage to move behind Goku and strike his back. This attack connected and Thorn began to do a series of backflips before finally charging his energy in a familiar fashion and the crowd heard from Thorn in low growl of a voice "KA....ME....HA....ME.....HAAAAA!!!!!!!" Goku saw this and he charged his own Kamehameha wave which in terms of size matched Thorn's but his wave was slowly being overpowered by Thorn's until he finally put more energy into his and Thorn felt his wave being pushed back. Thorn smirked and said through some grunts "Not....bad Goku....but this is....where I take control!" Thorn sent a bit more energy into the wave before his disappeared from his spot while he snuck around behind Goku using his blinding speed, Goku had no clue that Thorn was gone until he felt a kick on his legs which swept him off his feet and then Thorn used his speed again to catch Goku with his arm and slam him on his back. The crowd winced as they saw Goku scream in a bit of pain while Thorn jumped into the air and said while hovering "This where I take the fight Goku! Now take this!" Roshi's glasses shined and he said mentally (Let's see if you've mastered this attack....) Thorn then began to charge some energy into his left hand while saying softly "Sorry Bardock but I'm borrowing your move...."

(Meanwhile in Otherworld)

Bardock and Gine has been relaxing and watching the fight between Goku and Thorn and then for some reason he sneezed which made Gine ask "You okay?" Bardock then said after shaking his head slightly "Yeah....although someone must've been talking about me...must've been that kid from Planet Vegeta."

(Back on Earth—Use song above during this part!)

Thorn then said after charging his attack borrowed from Bardock "Take this Goku!" The attack was thrown like a baseball that Yamcha would throw and Goku had enough time to shoot a Ki blast that was enough to slow the attack long enough for him to escape with minimal damage. The crowd shielded themselves from the debris while Goku was trying his best to not get forced from the ring due to the attacks shockwave, Thorn then came down to the ring and said with his arms folded "Goku.....that's one of my heavy attacks, if that had hit you I promise you that would've hurt way more than right now. Give up now or the next one won't miss..." Goku then began to pant as if he was exhausted which for Roshi and the others was a bit shocking but to Thorn this was something he knew would happen since Goku hadn't been training to control his energy as much as Thorn had been. What Thorn had discovered was something called a scouter inside his space pod that he forgot was in there, luckily it had a spare battery and a way to charge it and after getting it working again Thorn was able to check power levels and go from there. What he knew was that even though Goku was wearing weighted clothes, Goku's power level was around 400 while Thorn's power level was around 550 due to his ability to control his energy as well as the way he had been trained by various different people. Thorn then said to Goku once more "Give up Goku....you know I'm stronger than you and that wasn't even at full power so what do you think will happen if I fired that with all my energy?" Goku then looked stunned as he realized that Thorn wasn't joking, he knew that blast wasn't at full power but he refused to believe it until Thorn told him "My power is much more controlled and much more volatile Goku....think about what you will be doing if you continue, I'm thinking of your safety more than my own." Just as Goku went to speak he was cut off by a Ki blast that missed him but for Thorn he was just able to dodge it however he heard from the owner "You know I was gonna let you two finish but to be honest I think I'd prefer to fight you this way." Thorn then took a look at the announcer and said "Cancel this fight and get some of these people out of here now!" The announcer nodded and began an evacuation speech while Thorn said to Piccolo Jr. "So....you're the spawn of King Piccolo huh? No matter who or what you are, you will still fall by my hand!" Thorn changed at Piccolo and they both traded blows until Thorn sent Piccolo flying towards Goku which ironically allowed Goku to attack and send Junior into a wall. Thorn then said while getting near Goku "You know what to do...." they both charged their best attacks with Goku using the Kamehameha wave and Thorn what he called Final Spirit Cannon, Thorn then said to Junior after he charged and ready "The only one who's gonna be dying is you!!!!! PERISH!!!!" Both the Kamehameha and the spirit cannon hit their marks making junior scream out in pain but instead of being slain or defeated, he was able to escape the debris and attack using his long arms like a pair of whips while striking Goku and Thorn. As they both blocked or took damage from this Thorn finally used his energy to break free while he told Goku "Buy me some time! I need to charge my energy!" Goku nodded and began to force Junior away from Thorn long enough for him to gather the energy he needed however what he was gathering was something that Thorn had only just learned from another fighter. Thorn's energy skyrocketed to the point where Bulma said while wearing his scouter "Guys! His energy readings are registering around 1,500!!!" Goku and Junior were stunned by this and then Thorn charged Junior at such a speed he was able to punch a hole through his stomach! Goku was stunned by this speed but it seemed that something was wrong and indeed it was, Junior wasn't the only one to have a hole in their bodies. What Junior was able to do was extend his index finger to go through Thorn's shoulder which filled some of the impact but the attack still connected since Thorn's tolerance for pain was fairly high for someone who was only around 20 years old. Junior then said with a look of disbelief "H-How are you still able to keep your arm in my body?" Thorn then said without any sort of his pain showing "Simple....your attack might've caused my hand to go a bit limp but my tolerance for pain along with my will to fight is just too high for you to break." Thorn then pulled his arm free from Junior and then he delivered a kick which forced Junior's index finger to dislodge itself from his shoulder, Goku then rushed over to Thorn and said while looking at Junior "You rest for a bit....I'll handle him for you." Thorn then said to Goku while taking his usual combat stance "Not without me you aren't, remember you and I made a deal where we would always fight side by side no matter what!" Both Goku and thorn rushed at Junior trying to do anything that would make him submit to defeat but then just as it seemed Junior was about to win and beat both Goku and Thorn, they finally knocked him down with Goku using something called Meteor Combination while Thorn used a combo that he had developed a while back during his training. There was no name for this technique but whenever someone saw it they would call it Power Blitz, Thorn then said to Goku just before he launched his attack "Get airborne the second Junior hits the ground and use the Kamehameha on him you got it?" Goku nodded and he began to attack Junior with the first stage of the combination while Thorn waited for his turn which when it was time he was able to slam Junior down on the ground hard enough to send shockwaves all the way to the rest of their friends. Goku jumped way up in the air and began to charge the Kamehameha while Thorn did a few back handsprings until he heard a snap in his left arm, this made him grunt a bit in pain but he simply said to himself "Gotta power through it and deliver the attack..."

(Both of their attacks respectively)

Goku landed just after Thorn finished with his Kamehameha and where he landed was next to Junior's body which was our cold. Goku smiled and waved at his friends while Thorn took a knee and felt where his left arm made that snapping noise, what he felt was one of the bones in his forearm had cracked causing him some discomfort but in all honesty that wasn't gonna stop him at all. As Goku was looking at his friends Junior sat up and delivered an attack that went through Goku on the right side of his chest, Thorn and the group were stunned by this but yet Junior smiled with a devilish look and said "Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not dead yet!!"

(In case you aren't sure what I'm talking about. Not for the faint of heart TBH.)

Thorn then said while standing up and powering up to his max once more even though he was very low on energy after delivering a Kamehameha "JUNIOR! Step away from Goku before I give you that combo attack from earlier! You can't take anymore of that and you know it!" Krillin then yelled to Thorn "You can't fight yet! You're just about empty on energy!" Thorn then glared at Krillin and said "So what?! It's better for me to go after him and die trying than to sit here and listen to Goku be killed by this....this monster!" With that being said something in Thorn sparked and somehow Master Roshi was the only one calm about the change going to Thorn as he realized that Thorn was channeling his pride into his power. Junior realized this as well and said with a look of disbelief "How? How can you still have any power?" Thorn then said after delivering a high powered punch to Junior "Maybe....it's because my pride is finally telling me to make sure you stay down this time even if I have to sacrifice myself for the world." Thorn then began a relentless assault that no one could have ever seen come from Thorn and yet somehow....it was normal for him to move like he was. Roshi then thought to himself while watching Thorn (That's it....now you've finally understood what I meant when I told you to fight for those you call family...) thorn's movements then went faster and faster while increasing his strength, this made a Roshi say to himself "What are you doing young man?" Thorn then said after delivering a kick sending Junior to the ground "Time to end this.....Sorry everyone but it looks like I'll miss the wedding after all...You're finished....KA....ME....HA...ME....HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" everyone watched as Thorn stood over Junior and delivered a point blank Kamehameha wave to junior's chest. Goku rushed over to where he last saw Thorn but all that was left of his friend was a small patch that belonged to Roshi as it was the Turtle Hermit logo, this made Goku once more have to cry after losing another loved one in his good friend and "brother" known as Thorn. Chi-chi and the others walked over but they saw the same thing which made them either cry for his death or try to be a shoulder for those to cry on however Kami stood there and said to the group "Excuse me but there is a way to bring him back you know?" Everyone turned to face Kami and they heard from him "The Dragonballs can resurrect him but finding them will be a task as they have all been scattered during the last usage...I'm sorry." Goku then said through his pain thanks to Junior "Well guys I can't be much help until I'm healed up so...." Tien then said "Don't worry about it....we'll try to find them quickly so we can get Thorn back here before anything else happens." With that Tien and Yamcha helped Goku to a nearby hospital to be treated for his injuries while Chi-Chi and Bulma along with Roshi began to find a way to find the dragon balls, as they were doing this Bulma then remembered "Wait a minute I have a dragon radar! We can use that to find the dragonballs and then we can wish back Thorn!"

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