Chapter 3

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Third Person POV

As Sasuke stepped in the room he noticed something, the first, Noriko wasn't anywhere in the room, second all her things were gone, and lastly a note was resting next to his bed. He walked towards it and opened it his eyes widening before he ran out of the room to his sensei's where everyone else was.

"Noriko left!" He yelled making everyone look at him.

"Left? What do you mean she left?" Sakura asked before Sasuke handed Kakashi the note.

"Hey Sasuke, you'll probably be the first to read this considering we share a room and all but I guess at some point all of you are gonna read this. The reason I'm writing is to tell you I left, I no longer belong to your squad and I won't return to the leaf village. I'm sorry but It's something I have to do. Maybe one day we'd get to see each other again, goodbye." Kakashi read out loud.

"Wait you mean she actually left?! She left us just like that?!" Naruto yelled.

"So it seems.." Kakashi said thinking as to why she would leave all of a sudden like that and how, how would she just leave? With Zabuza maybe? No it couldn't be Zabuza but then who?

'She left? Huh well I guess that's a good thing. That's the best news I've ever heard.' Sakura thought. But there was something she didn't know, Sasuke and Naruto had grown crazy attached to the shy girl of their team on the short time they spent with her and even Kakashi had grown a soft side for the girl and at some point all of them wished it was Sakura that would've left and not her.. how would Kakashi explain Noriko leaving all of a sudden to the Hokage?

Noriko POV

After a few days we made it to a hide out and people were inside until an orange haired man with a lot of piercings stepped forward.

"You must be Noriko Haruno." He said and I flinched at the name.

"I uh.. I don't like that name." I say looking down and the guy tilted his head to the side.

"You don't like your name?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"Would you like me to give you a new one then?" He asked and my eyes widen as my head snapped to look at him.

"What?" I mumbled wide eye surprise.

"Would you like me to give you a new name?" He asked again and my tears fell out of my eyes surprising even myself.

"Please do." I say with a small sob and covered my mouth closing my eyes.

"There's no need to cry... Ichigo." He said and I bite my lip looking up at him.

"Thank you." I mumbled before giving a smile, a real smile as everyone here smiled at me as well introducing themselves to me. And after we all got acquainted with each other my training started.

~A lot of time later~

I was back at the hidden leaf village with Itachi and Kisame beside me when two jonin stopped us. We were all wearing our cloaks.

"You guys aren't from around here are you? What are you doing in this village?" Said the man.

"It's been a long time Asuma, Kurenai." Itachi said.

"The fact that you know our names must mean you're a shinobi of this village." Asuma said and I took grip of Itachi's cloak as he showed them his eyes.

"You- you're-" they couldn't even finish as Itachi took off the hat covering his head and face taking part of his cloak off.

"What do ya know, Itachi, Itachi Uchiha." Asuma said.

"Are these friends of yours Itachi? Well then, I suppose I should introduce myself." Kisame said as he too took his hat off, I lean closer to Itachi putting my head on his shoulder as he glanced at me but continued to talk with the two until the four were ready to fight.

"Itachi I'm sleepy." I mumble acting like a kid making him look at me.

"Then go lie down and we'll get you when we're done." He said calmly and I sigh but decided to walk to the closest tree and lean on it watched the fight until a familiar face showed up. Kakashi, I quickly got up and appeared behind the shadow clone of Kakashi in front of Kisame.

"Looks like we've encountered an old friend of yours Ichigo." Itachi said looking at me as I cut the shadow clone making him disappear and appear in front of Kakashi hat still on.

"So it seems." I say looking at Kakashi as he glared at me.

"I've never met someone by the name of Ichigo before." Kakashi said getting ready for a fight as I take my hat off as well showing him my face making him go wide eyes.

"It's been a while, Kakashi sensei." I say as he takes a step back and I throw a kunai at the clone.

"I believe you can handle this Itachi." I say jumping back to land and leaning back to the tree again until someone else came to Kakashi's rescue.

"Why do they keep interrupting?" I mumbled jumping and landing on the water between Itachi and Kisame.

"This is seriously getting on my nerves." I say looking at the new guy and Asuma.

"Let's go." Itachi said and I let out a 'tsk' before disappearing with them.

"Why couldn't we just get them out of the way?" I mumbled.

"It would bring unwanted attention to us. We have a mission and you know what it is." Itachi said looking at me making me sigh before looking down noticing Naruto with one of the Sannin.

"Great." I mumble as we started to follow them until we made it to a hotel where Naruto was alone and knocked on the room door. Naruto looked perplexed when he saw Itachi and I stepped forward.

"You do know there's a reason as to why I came on this mission right?" I say stepping next to Itachi looking up at him.

"Hard to believe that such a small child possesses the 9-tailed-fox." Kisame says and I glare at him.

"Idiot." I mumble before looking back at Naruto to see his wide blue eyes staring at me.

"N-Noriko?" He asked and I gave him a small smile.

"Would you mind not calling me that? I don't go by that name anymore." I say.

"Ichigo, stop the chit chat and lets go." Kisame said.

"Let's go for a walk." Itachi said and Naruto slowly walked out of the room.

"Hey Itachi, it'll be a pain if this kid makes a run for it. Maybe I should chop a leg or-" I cut him off by jumping and kicking his head hard making him hit the wall.

"I told you there was a reason I was sent here, stop trying to kill everything you see. Think for a second! If you cut his leg off there's a big probability that he would bleed to death before we even have a chance to-" I stop talking and turned around feeling Sasuke's presence.

"It's been a long time, Sasuke." Itachi said not turning around.

"Itachi.. Uchiha." Sasuke said with so much hate in his voice, he was so focused on Itachi he didn't even notice me.

"Well, the Sharingan. And he looks an awful lot like you. Itachi who is this kid?" Kisame said/asked.

"He's my younger brother." Itachi answered.

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