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Izuku and Eri had been living on the street for a couple of weeks making as little fuss as they could while still eating. Izuku quietly climbed up to the balcony they had been staying on. The building was a lot older then the ones around so back when this balcony was made there was probably no four story brick building blocking the view. Whoever walled off the door probably couldn't be bothered to tear down the balcony safely.

But with a bit of Eri's quirk and a ladder it became quite a nice place to hide away from the streets. "Hey Eri"."Brother, did you get anything". She didn't mean to be rude but he always knew what she was thinking anyway "Yah some apples and water bottles as well as a real blanket". Her eyes twinkled at the thought of having a blanket instead of moth eaten curtains to sleep under.

They heard a thud looked over to see a man in black with goggles and a scarf. "One young girl and a boy in his early teens, both with silvery blue hair red eyes pale skin and horns though the girls is quite tiny, you two must be my targets". The man sounded tired that was the only way to put it. Izuku stepped in front of Eri and raised his fists "What do you want". The man looked at him "To arrest you". Izuku didn't get to respond as the man leapt forward and kicked him in the head before turning to the girl. "Now if you would come quickly we can get this done with quickly so far you can only be charged with some minor cases of theft resisting arrest will make it much worse on both of you".

Eri tried to use her quirk to turn Izuku back to a time when he was conscious but found she couldn't use it at all. Shaking the young girl spoke "O-o-o-ok". After Izuku woke up the man who had introduced himself as Ersaerhead took them to the police station. Since he was dropping off children he thought it best to actually bring them in instead of just tying them to a lamp post like he normally did.

The police officer a man named Tsukauchi looked at Izuku in disbelief "So you father was a yakuza boss and is currently in a coma". Izuku's tone of voice screamed dead inside "Yes"."Your Godfather and the new leader of the yakuza then tortured you and your sister using your blood to make some kind of quirk related drug"."Mostly I don't think my blood was used for anything"."Ok then after a year of this you escaped with your sister and are now on the run"."No I have not doubt if Overhaul wished to find us he would've already".

Tsukauchi sighed at the kids tone honestly the only time he'd sounded neutral was while talking to his little sister(who looked like she was afraid of her own shadow), the rest of the time he sounded bored and somewhat angry.

"I think thats enough questions detective what are you going to do"."Well in these types of cases however rare they are, the children live with the hero who found them till where sure their not coming after them". Aizawa's dislike of the idea was palpable and Izuku's hate was visible as the table turned to rust under his hand.

Then for no apparent reason Izuku sat down calmly and Aizawa looked away. In synchronization they said "Well its to late to run now".

Hay I don't really have anything to say there might be one more chapter of back story. Also what do you think of it so far.

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