The Entrance Exam <3

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(Akari's POV)

After ten months of rigorous training with uncle Toshi and Izukun, it was the morning of U.A.'s entrance exam.

"Eat this" All Might says casually as I can see Izukun's eyes widen.

I laugh uncontrollably at the scene before me. Izukun had now inherited All Might's powers and we were standing outside the gate of U.A. I nervously hold Izukun's had, but we were broken apart by a rough shove from someone walking in between us. "Move aside Deku! Get out of my way or you're dead" Katsukun says. I decided to follow Katsukun and let Izukun stare at the building a few minutes longer. "Katsukun wait up!" I wave. He looks back at me and rolls his eyes "Hurry up then dumbass". Once we are all seated, Present Mic started giving us a brief overview about how the exam will go. We had to fight robots and rack up as many points as possible. I sat in between Izukun and Katsukun to hopefully clear some tension between the two. A dark blue-haired boy with square glasses raised his hand to question U.A.'s entrance exam and scolded Izukun for muttering. I giggled and could feel the embarrassment radiating off of Izukun when he apologized.

Unfortunately I wasn't in the same group as Izukun.

"Oi dummy! Come on we're in the same group" Katsukun called.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the front of the large artificial battle ground. I blushed when I looked down and realized that Katsukun still didn't let go of my hand. My face turned a very bright red. "Hey...ummm hand" I softly said. "Huh? Yeah what about it? I have to make sure you don't get trampled when we start you idiot. Knowing you, you'll probably fall over once we begin dumbass" he replied. "Ok" I say.

"GO!" Present Mic yells.

I'm being pulled along with Katsukun which isn't that bad. He's very fast and manages to also find robots to destroy. I notice Katsukun had damaged many robots and by this rate, he'll get all the points. I light a small fire spark in my palm until he lets go. A confused look appears on his face, but is suddenly replaced my annoyance once I use my quirk to cause an earthquake to take out all the robots in front of him.

"Oi you little shit! What do you think you're doing with my targets! Fucking thief!" Katsukun called.

I ignored him and used the air around me to carry me high above the battle ground. I looked for as many robots as possible and called upon the earth to make a hole in the ground and swallow them half way then close up and crush them. I could hear the amazement from other students below. Once I was satisfied with the amount of robots I destroyed, I used the air to slowly lower myself towards the ground. Suddenly my head started throbbing and my vision blurred. I couldn't focus. Before I know it I was gently floating down. I was falling and everything turned black.

I opened my eyes and was exposed to very bright lights. "Oh good you're awake! Do you feel better?" An old little lady asked. "Oh head doesn't hurt anymore" I replied. Uncle Toshi came running into the room and hugged me immediately. "You used two elements at the same! I'm so proud!" he said as he carried me and spun me around in the air. "Toshinori this is the exact type of careless behavior that you shouldn't be teaching her, or at least train the girl better next time. She was exhausted" the old lady scolded, "and as for that one, I don't even know what to say, but I better not see him too often around here". That one? I swiftly moved the curtain next to me. Izukun!

~One Week Later~

Uncle Toshi and I went to the Takoba Beach Park where he trained me and Izukun. We both passed the exam! Izukun got 60/100 placing 7th and I got 96/100 placing 1st. In the Spring we were to attend U.A. high school.

~Spring Time~

(Bakugo's POV)

I looked around at the extras around me trying to make conversation with one another. I'm so bored waiting ugh. I put my feet up on the desk and lean my chair back. "Remove your foot from that desk! Such an action is insulting to those who came to U.A. before us as well as the craftsmen who made that desk!" An annoying guy with glasses scolds me. "Shut up four eyes before I blow you to bits!" He backed away and asked "You're awful. Do you really wish to become a hero?" Tch.

That's when I heard her sweet giggle. Her long black hair fell just right. Her green eyes could entrance anyone. Takana Akari.

A warm feeling filled my chest while a lump in my throat formed. Right behind her I saw him...fucking Deku I swear. I went over to that dumbass and grabbed him by the tie. "I'm gonna be here no matter what!" Irritated I walked back to my seat. He actually stood up to me...something's up. I was so angry that I forgot about Akari. She sat by some boy with two different color hair.

What the hell?

My angered boiled even more when I could see his interest in her forming. I couldn't make out their conversation, but I was pissed.

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