2nd Child Blues

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As I walked home I saw the average norm of out town a place full of gangs and thugs. Probably the worse place in the world! My mom and dad live a little but outside of town so it take's about twenty minutes to walk. As you walk around town I saw people getting hurt people violating property and most of all doing drugs. I would like to stop that at all costs but one girl last year hmm what was her name? oh! Valerie! She saw a kid getting beat up by the biggest gang in town the XU (Stupid name for stupid people) she walked in the middle of it and she ended up in the hospital with a concussion not a horrible one but not a average either. They moved away. I have five letters to say to that

L U C K Y!

Well after returning home I go home make a after school snack for the brothers even tho I'm the 2nd oldest. But I never cared.

FOOOOOOOD! I called!

You would of though you'd heard elephants but nope those are my average brothers.

WHAT'S THE SNACK TODAY SAPPHIRE!? Screamed Clark and Michael


They all L O V E pancakes ESPECIALLY Forrest!

They basically devoured there pancakes and ran back upstairs. Again with the elephants.

This journal thing doesn't seem very good. I may just throw this in the trash my therapist recommended it but who is it helping? Or entertaining?




I honestly hate this probably gonna delete and start a new story oops.

I hope the new story will be better!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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