Upperclassman!Crush x Reader: Before you go

Start from the beginning

You thought of how you were supposed to greet him when you heard his friend call out to him.

"Hey C/N!" his bestfriend called out to him from behind you, C/N brushed past you, you felt your heart flutter.

"Sup man."

"Dude, what are you planning to do this summer?" His bestfriend asked,

"Uhh.. watch Netflix? If I don't have a girlfriend." He joked, I froze. I knew C/N was single but I remember his drop dead gorgeous and perfectly smart ex.

She was basically Gucci and you were Walmart.

Your heart sank, you decided to walk away and up the stairs, your hair hid your face. You started to back out on your plan.

You went into your class and decided to study before exams started.




t was break time, you had gone out of class with your squad. You all headed to the cafeteria when you noticed the boy you liked walked in alone. Your friends nudged you, you shook your head face heating up.

The cafeteria wasn't so crowded today, it was rather peaceful, maybe because you came rather early before the other kids could come.
You bought some snacks then sat down on an empty table with your friends which are conveniently one table away from C/N

Your eyes wandered towards him, he was sat face away from your direction, but you could see him scrolling through his phone.

"Earth to Y/N." your friend nudged you, you stared at her.

"O-Oh! Sorry? Yes???"

"Ah she was looking at C/-hmmppp." B/F/N's mouth was covered by your other friend.

"Don't be so loud, ya idiot." your friend told B/F/N

"Oops sorry!" she looked at you and apologized, you nodded.

"So Y/N when are you planning to talk to him?" B/F/N asked.

"I honestly don't wanna do it anymore." you said looking down at your hands.

They gasped.

"Girl! Don't miss your chance." your friend told you,

"But what if I become all nervous?"

"..Y/N... All you have to do is say Hi." B/F/N said

"But still! That takes up a lot of courage.." you whisper yelled at your bestfriends.

"Want us to do it for you?" they asked, you shook your head in panic. They had mischievous grins,

"Please no. I'll do it myself."

"He's alone right now." you friend said,

"Like Ernesto De la Cruz once said, seize your moment." B/F/N quoted the Disney movie. You rolled your eyes,

"But he died." I said,

"Exactly." she said, we all stared at her.

"Wow." you said, then you all somehow burst out laughing.

You glanced at C/N, you caught him looking your way, but not assuming directly at you.

You looked behind you and saw his squad coming.

"Oh.. looks like you missed your chance.." B/F/N said, your other friend pat your back.

"There's always after-school."




ou had just finished your last exam. Math, and you were pretty much mentally drained afterwards, you knew you wouldn't get a perfect score. You gulped as you thought of finally approaching C/N, you dreaded dismissal but since time doesn't go backwards, the bell rang.

You teacher collected your test papers, you all got ready to get leave, when your teacher spoke up.

"Okay class, tomorrow is your summer break, it was a great school year. Have fun kids." She briefly said, and you all cheered and left after a few minutes because if got sentimental in there.

You look at your watch and saw it was already 10 minutes after dismissal. You wondered if you were even gonna catch C/N, what if he already left? Your squad had already gone home but you decided to check C/N's classroom. Empty.

You sighed, you were walking back to the staircase pretty disappointed, you heard a familiar voice, singing.

C/N was a great singer, you saw him with earphones on, he was in an empty classroom,

But that song, you knew that, you've heard that before..

"Oh, my heart hurts so good
I love you, babe, so bad, so bad
Oh, oh my heart hurts so good
I love you, babe, so bad, so bad"

Your face heated up hearing him sing ILYSB, you felt nervous, what if he liked someone? What if he caught you snooping? You listened intently, he had his back turned to you. He was sat in an empty seat, you assumed he had his eyes closed getting into that music.

"And you need to know
That nobody could take your place, your place
And you need to know"

"That I'm hella obsessed with your face, your face"
You couldn't help quietly sing along.

Suddenly he stopped, you hoped he didn't hear you. You gulped and hid behind the wall, thinking of an escape plan.

You heard him getting up his seat, you stood up and pretended you were only passing by.

You stopped walking when you remembered what you had came here for. You turned around and met his gaze.

"O-oh! Hi there C/L/N.." you greeted the boy pretending as if you didn't expect him to be there.

"Hey there L/N," the boy greeted you with a smile, you were surprised he even remembered you.

"Heard you're leaving?"

"Yeah.." he scratched the back of his head,

"Ah, that's a shame, too bad we didn't become friend while you're here...."

"We can always become friends." He smiled warmly

"Then... Before you go, can we become friends?" you asked shyly


And that's how you became friends with C/N,
You guys became close soon, even when he moved to a different school.

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