"We're at the top floor" he uttered briefly. "Are you feeling better?" he asked referring back to earlier on when she had vomited on the plane.

"Yes, thank you" she muttered quietly, taking the key of him. David opened his mouth to say one more thing, but before he could he was quickly cut off by the sound of someone calling his name.


Monique narrowed her head to see a woman who looked to be about David's age walking in their direction. She had short brown hair, and was extremely glamorous and beautiful. David placed his luggage down on the ground to give her a hug as she made her way over to him as Monique stood watching awkwardly.

"Oh David its so nice to see you again" the woman grinned widely, before turning her attention to Steve. "You're looking well, Steve" she chuckled, going to give him a hug.

"You too, Mellie, its been a while" said Steve as he returned the hug.

She pulled away to smile up at David, before flicking her eyes over to Monique. "Who's this?" she asked.

"Mellie, this is my secretary; Monique. Monique, this is Mellie. Her and her husband Ted were my close friends in College" he introduced the two.

"That's right, David and I were at the top of our class in Stanford business, but I could never get past him no matter how hard I tried, everybody knew that he was going to be a great businessman" she laughed, placing her hand on his chest and grinning up at him. "Anyways I'm terribly sorry where are my manners, its nice to meet you Monique, you're very lucky to work for a man as kind and generous as this man right here" she said before holding out her hand for Monique to shake. She was so poised and sophisticated

Monique stared down at her perfectly pedicured looking hand before taking a step towards her and shaking it. "Its nice to meet you too".

Mellie nodded her head at her before turning her attention back to David. "I haven't seen you in almost four years, what are you doing back in LA? and why didn't you call to tell me you were coming?" she asked linking her arms with his. Her strong flirting was almost unbearable to watch at how obvious it was, but David didn't seem to notice. It wasn't the first time Monique had seen women flaunt all over David, after all he was an extremely attractive man.

"Well we're opening up a new company building right here in LA so we're here for a few days to get the construction and some other important things sorted out" Steve answered.

"Oh that's wonderful!" Mellie uttered turning her head to face Steve. "If you need any help with anything while you're back in Oakland then Ted and I will be happy to help with anything".

"Thank you, Mellie" said David nodding his head at her.

"That reminds me, I heard about the divorce with Kim a while back, thankfully I'm glad you finally got out of that marriage because I never did like her" she groaned, causing him to chuckle lightly. "But how are the kids? Jay and Steph? I should come down to Oakland soon to visit them".

"They're well, thankfully" David replied.

For the next several minutes, Monique listened as David, Mellie and Steve chatted about the company as she carried on looking around the lobby awkwardly.

"I have to go now but why don't the three of you come over to the mansion for dinner tonight? Ted will be coming home from his business meeting in a couple hours and I'm sure he'd love to see you again, David and you too Steve" she stated, before turning to smile at Monique.

"That sounds lovely, Mellie, we'll be there" said Steve.

"Alright then, I'll see you all tonight" she said giving Steve a quick hug before going to throw her arms around David and place a kiss on his cheek. After pulling away, she turned to smile over at Monique once more before saying her last goodbyes and turning to walk off.

War of Love {Sequel to Family War}Where stories live. Discover now