too easy

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I awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the warm rays of the sun kissing my face. I looked to my right to see the prince fast asleep. I tried to stand up only to remember I was still tied to my tree. I looked up to see that there was a over hanging branch covered in snow right above the peacefully sleeping, unsuspecting prince. I grinned mischievously as I slowly took of my right glove carefully looking around to make sure no one else was a wake and could see me, and started to melt the snow right above the prince. As more snow started to drop it slowly started to slide down until suddenly, all the snow dropped onto the sleeping ice prince startling him awake and causing him to tell out in a panicked waking all of the guards in the camp. I took one look at his startled snow covered face and burst with laughter."what's wrong little prince? Scared of a little snow, isn't that supposed to be your forté?" I managed to say between my laughter. He simply glared at me as he brushed snow from his hair. All of a sudden the prince angry face turned to one of mischief as he looked at the snow with a glint of vengeance in his eyes. He stared at me as he slowly bent down to picked up a hand full of snow."no don't you da..." but it was to late. He trew the snow ball and it hit me right in the face. Shocked I sat there in silence as he bent over laughing his royal butt off. Let the snow war begin I thought to my self as I picked up a snow ball only to realize too late that I had never put on my glove! "is that steam?" asked the prince looking at my hand as the snow slowly melted from my hands. "your from the fire kingdom!" the prince stated as realization dawned on him. Oh crap.

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