Wow. T-thanks mom.. I'll see you later.

I ended the call, i'm not that interested about the good news with everything that is happening to me and y/n.

"So? What's that about?" Hailey said to while eating her pancakes.

"I'm walking at the victoria's secret fashion show and i'm going to london for the upcoming london fashion week." I said to her looking not interested.

"Really?! Oh my god ken! Congrats!" Bella and gigi hugged me.

"Congrats ken. But why do you look like you're not interested?" Kylie said to me.

"Thanks guys. You guys know why, i owe this to y/n. I just want to talk to her, and--"

"And apologize again? Ken, you already did. Countless times, give her the space that she wants. Okay? I'm sure you guys we'll figure this out." Bella said to me.

"Let's celebrate!" Gigi shouted.

"Guys, i'm gonna have to pass. I have to go to mom's house and i just want to rest. Please?" I begged them not to celebrate because i'm not in the mood and now is not the right time to celebrate. Besides, i only want to celebrate with y/n..


"Hey mom." I saw my mom making salad in her kitchen. I took a sit on the stool in kitchen counter.

"Hi kenny. So, tell me what happened?" I think i'm gonna need to tell my mom the truth.

"Mom, i need to tell you the truth between me and y/n." She stopped what she's doing and she's looking at me.

"Are you two dating now? Because ken, it's fine. I know you're into girls since you were a teenager. That's why i picked her to do a pr stunt with you because i know you don't like boys." Oh my god mom.

"What? No. It's not that i don't like boys. It's just my heart belongs to someone else.. Mom, me and y/n used to date."

I told my mom about everything and she understand it. She told me that i should say thank you for y/n because despite everything that happened between us, she chose to help me.


It's already 10am in the morning and i'm still laying on my bed. I didn't get any sleep. I'm just looking at the engagement ring that i bought a year ago.


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"I'm gonna miss you baby. " Kendall hugged me while kissing my neck.

"I'll be back in a week babe, i'll miss you more. Behave, okay? I love you baby." I kissed her lips and hugged her before stepping outside her car.

"You behave! I love you more baby. Let's face time when you get there. Have a safe flight." She waved at me before i stepped outside her car.

I'm doing some guesting in a talk show in Philippines and i'm also doing a concert at a MOA Arena. My girlfriend can't come with me because she's busy doing photoshoots for her campaign ad in penshoppe besides, we can't be seen in public.


"Mom just calm down okay? You need to drink water." I gave my mom a water because she's crying.

"I c-can't believe that your father did this to us.." My mom caught my dad having an affair with another woman.

"Don't worry mom, you're coming with me to the U.S with Cali. We're gonna leave dad here." I said to my mom, while tears running down my face.

"Y/n please stay here a little while, even just for a week?" I'm about to answer when my phone ring..

I saw the caller i.d, my girlfriend is calling me. I haven't talked to her in 2 days since i landed here in Philippines because she's always busy and i'm going straight to her voice mail.

Calling KENDO❤️😘....

Y/n, it's kylie. Ken is having an anxiety attack again. She wants to talk to you.

What happened?! Give her the phone ky.

Y/n, i-i need you right now.. Come home babe. (Crying..)

Ken, baby.. Just breathe, okay? Calm down..

Please come home babe, i missed you.. I need you y/n.

Ken baby, i'm sorry.. I'm sorry i can't be with you right now.. (I said to my girlfriend while crying..)
But babe, i'll see what i can do.. Okay?

(Crying..) Okay, i love you y/n..

I love you more baby.. I'm so sorry..

Kendall ended the call..

Heart Open (Kendall and Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now