Chapter 1: Newcomers

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England, Port of London,1736, Traveling to the New British colonies was a dangerous journey in cramped conditions, and most voyages were in a fleet, about five wooden ships, and they spent six to eight weeks sailing in the Atlantic Ocean.
Some English businessmen wanted a fresh start in a different land, they were motivated to make money, with good profits, among them were Blacksmiths, Shipbuilders, Carpenters, Tailors, Dyers, Hunters, and even Wig makers, all of them bought expensive tickets to live the dream of increasing their business in the new British colony.

It might be difficult to understand the lives and dreams of these ordinary people and even more difficult to understand the lives of the poor ones, they couldn't afford to buy this dream.
The Virginia company that used to rule the colony intended to increase the population and then spread the news that they developed a system of indentured servants, and offered to the poor ones the choice of boarding, so to get it, they should sign a contract with the company. It meant the landowners would give them free passage, clothing, housing, free food, and taught farming, but on the other hand, they had to work seven years of unpaid jobs. They agreed to adventure themselves to find relief from poverty, perhaps a chance to become wealthy farmers, It was a real deal for the landowners cause it was a cheaper way to run the plantation.

Many poor people applied for this contract and among them, there was a girl called Realey, and a man called Dilan, both were Irish, she was white, slim, and blonde, with broad buttocks, small breasts, a small nose, and red lips, and he was a tall white man. They came from Ireland and always talked about the possibility of living on the other side of the Ocean.

Many single women sign another contract, yeah, they were seduced with hopes for a better life if they married a man on the other side, so, they applied for sponsored immigration and gained free passage, clothes, food,d and a place to stay until they find someone to marry in the colony.

On April 16, 1622, the huge wooden sailboat left the Port of London, heading to the British New World.
Dilan the Irish man was at the deck watching birds on the bank of the Thames, and noticed how slowly the wooden boat moved, Realey was somewhere inside the boat, maybe talking to other girls.

After a few days, you could hear the ocean noise mixed with the sound of sailors screaming, and yelling cursing cause of lack of wind.
It might have been hard in the middle of the ocean with no wind, maybe sea monsters under the boat, to attack time.
eating salty meat, little drinking water, and some sick passengers around you throwing up, it is already known that some died while making that crossing, and most of the time Dilan was alone, he couldn't find Realey among the passengers, the boat spent a whole day without moving.

On the next day, it sounded like the sail took a deep breath and advanced over the waves, it was fast, cutting the green water and hitting the black hull, and everyone could hear it

During the voyage, a few travelers sang and danced to make the time pass quickly. Still, unfortunately, some were sick, primarily children, from drinking dirty water or eating salted food, or even nothing to eat, and those who died on the voyage were dumped into the ocean.

So after some weeks on the ocean, the small ship from the London company ported in.........
then the newcomers left the vessel for the unknown world, and those who were sick left the boat carried by others and were placed on the ground.

People from that small village were approaching the port to see or hear from their relatives; it was a noisy day, people were shouting and laughing, children were weeping and crying, and even the seagulls were flying and yelling.

Among that crowd leaving the boat was....judy She was carrying a little bag in her hand; her beauty was spoken about by many, mainly by the sailors that were waving to her; they all agreed she was a beautiful blond girl, but some women criticized her behavior; she spent most of the time dancing and playing cards with the sailors during the journey. Sometimes she wasn't seen anywhere, and sometimes she disappeared from the passenger's spot, perhaps hidden somewhere with a man; Judy had a baby born and left behind with her mother in London; she never considered staying home and raising the child; she always wanted an easy and funny way of living, she loved meeting new people and new places, So on that day at the Port, she was supposed to meet an older man called Ike Brown, a widower, the owner of the biggest farm in Georgia, Ike needed a woman to help him to bring up his four children, a poisonous snake bit his wife.

Behind Judy was Dickson, an Iri short and robust guy, who left the boat slowly, lowering his head; it sounded like he didn't care about the crowd and the noise; he regretted coming to the new world; it was a very long and tiresome trip, he was sad, his friend got scurvy and died on the journey, and the captain decided to dump his body overboard, he was mad about this decision, he spent the whole trip wailing, he wanted to bury his friend, they were coming to work in a rice plantation that belonged to Ike. Judy was laughing loudly to a group of men, which made him raise his eyes at her for a while; he didn't like her behavior, he would say: she's a kind of "bad moral level people" Dickson was a strictly religious guy, and he was always reading some psalm books.

Close to Dickson was an orphan teenager guy called Jacob; he came alone to the new land, his parents had died on a previous trip, but someone would pick him up; he was going to be sent to a tobacco field.

..........was different from other colonies, where most of the British ships brought hundreds of chained enslaved Africans to be sold. Unfortunately, most of them were unable to work cause of sickness, and some of them died during the journey. Still, it is heard that enslaved Africans and Indians were imported from Charlestown in a hidden way.

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