Chapter 19: IC Championship Quarterfinals

Start from the beginning

However, Travis and Seth's opponents for the tournament, WALTER and Jordan ambushed the American Nightmare and the Kingslayer with forearms from behind. The Irish Ace got in the ring and quickly hits a slingblade on Alex before quickly rolling out of the ring. The referee got back on his feet as Adam measured Alex and hits the Last Shot for the victory.


Alex was upset after Jordan caused him his opportunity. Travis and Seth attempted to calm their friend down.

Seth: dude, I'll be facing Jordan in a few minutes and I'll beat the hell out of him for you

Travis: WALTER and Jordan ambushed us, and we didn't know what was going on

Alex: now I see why Finn kicked Jordan out of his school

Travis: don't worry Alex, when Seth is done with Jordan, you'll pick the bones

Alex: I'll be lying and waiting

The three guys went in the Kingdom's locker room where Lexi walked up to Alex with a concerned look on his face.

Lexi: you okay, babe?

Alex: I'll be fine, my love

Randy: Alex, I've taught you everything I know, but I never taught you how to deal with the numbers game

Alex: it's not your fault, mentor; what happened out there shows that we can't take the First Army lightly, and my loss was just a small setback

Seth: and I'm gonna slay the so called Irish Ace

Finn: not to mention he is a disgrace to my wrestling school

Seth: I'll fight for you, my brother

Alex nodded and he and Seth fist bumped before the Kingslayer exited the locker room with a serious determined look on his face.

(In the ring)

The Irish Ace was in the ring with an arrogant smirk on his face after costing Alex a championship opportunity minutes earlier. He waited while he had a confident look on his face.

(The Second Coming plays)

Announcer: BURN IT DOWN!

(Seth vs. Jordan match highlights)

Seth wasted no time as he ran to the ring and started landing punches on Jordan. The Kingslayer backed the Irish Ace into the corner; the punches Seth landed were for Alex and the sudden ambush earlier.

The Irish Ace turned the tables with a slingblade followed by double foot stomp. Jordan picked Seth up to execute the Ireland's call, but Seth got out of it and superkicked Jordan in the abdomen. He picked Jordan up to hit his signature buckle bomb, but the Irish Ace got out of it and fires back with a dropkick, knocking Seth into the referee. Jordan hits another slingblade. Then he picked up Seth's body to go for an Ireland's Call, but from Outta Nowhere, Alex took Jordan out with an AKO. He looked down at the Irish Ace with a pissed off look on his face. Then he turned to Seth and he nodded and grinned before he did the Too Sweet, which Seth replied back with it as well. Alex got out of the ring and went back to the locker room.

As the referee got back on his feet, the Kingslayer finished the Irish Ace off with the Curb Stomp for the victory to advance into the semifinals to face Adam.


Seth came in with a satisfied look on his face.

Seth: damn dude, you came from outta nowhere

Alex: yeah, if anyone screws with me; they get an AKO

Travis: and Seth, you're gonna face Adam in the semis

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