[15] Alone Against The World

Start from the beginning

Peril shrugged, her hands unconsciously twirling a ring on her finger. It was simple, with a red gem in the middle, but she seemed to love it. Probably because it was from Clay. They had started dating only a few days ago, but he could swear they were picking out flowers for their wedding. "Nobody has seen it."

"That's weird," he said, scratching his head. "So who does the twelfth person pass it to?"

"No one, I guess."

"But that's wrong," he insisted. "Everyone has to hear everybody's story. That's the whole point of it."

Peril stared at him like he had two heads. "I get what you're saying. But don't you see? One less tape, one less person. One less person to tell on us. If they want to hide their story, let them. We all would probably have done it if we could."

"That's wrong." He crossed his arms and pouted. "That's so freaking wrong."

She gave him a devilish grin. "It"s called life, baby."


You've always been sweet. Loving. Harmless.

Or so it seemed.

We liked to go to a small frozen yogurt store and talk. Talk about anything and everything. Gossip. Worries. Funny things that happened in the past week. Progress in flirting. Sometimes even money troubles. The point is, you always figured it out. You always listened and solved my problems.

You would always smile at me and say, "What's up, Glory?"

That day, I say down beside you. "Am I late?"

You smiled at me. "Not at all."

Charming, nice Sunny. That's what you were. Or what I thought you were.

I've never told anyone. Never. I quickly ordered a coffee flavored frozen yogurt, just like always. Then I grinned at you. Gave you my fake smile, and you smiled right back.

"What's up, Glory?"

That day, I decided to tell someone. I wanted to. I had to. It was killing me, the secrets. The horrors.

I told myself, I won't be alone. She would listen to me. I won't be alone anymore, we'll be in this together. You always listened to me. You always solved what was bothering me. So, I thought, why not this time?

It turned out it was a whole different story.

I took a deep breath. "Actually, I have to tell you something."

You gave me a worried frown. "What is it, Glory?"

"Remember what I told you yesterday? About Riptide and Scarlet?"

Something flashed over your expression for a moment. Irritation, it seemed. But I thought I saw something wrong.

Turned out I wasn't.

"Sunny, I have to tell you something."

You sipped your drink, looking bored. Which annoyed me a little. I was about to tell you something extremely important. "What is it, Glory?"

"I'm going to kill myself."

You stared at me, then have me a stretched smile. Like this was a sick joke. "Really?"

"Sunny, I have to tell you something. Something important." I was about to pour it all out when you stopped me. Or, more specifically, when your chair screeched in the floor as you stood up.

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