Christmas Again!...Already?

Start from the beginning

We sang along with the radio laughing.

"You should totally sing that one day." She told me,grinning. "You'd do good."

"Ha ha, I might." I said. I changed the radio to the country station. I smiled as she started dancing in her seat. I totally want to marry this girl one day. I parked and got out. I helped Brenda out, and locked the doors. We walked in holding hands.

"Hey, how old is Stacy and Stevie?" She asked.

"Nine, why?"

"Oh, I was just wondering."

"Oh, I still need to get her and Stevie a present." I said.

"Me too, follow me." She pulled me into the toy store. I laughed running after her. We looked everywhere and couldn't find anything for them, but then something caught my eye. I took her hand and pulled her towards it. It was a big box. It's those loom band things. It had the board, the little clips that held them together, and a bunch of other stuff. About 1,000 multi-colored bands.

"She's been talking about these things." I said.

"Yeah, I used to have those when I was younger." She told me. I picked it up and put it under my arm. We looked around for a few minutes and Brenda got him a little remote control car. I found two huge Nerf guns. We bought them and then, since it was lunch time, we went to the food court.


After we got our food, we sat down near a wall, kind of in a corner where no one could see us. I unscrewed the top of of my water bottle and drank some. I looked over at Brenda and saw she was having a hard time opening hers. I put the top back on mine, grinned, and took hers from her. I opened it and gave it back. She stuck her tongue out at me.

"So, what song are you going to sing?" She asked me.

"Jingle Bell Rock." I said, mouth full of food...again. She laughed. "What about you? What song are you going to sing?" She shrugged.

"I'm not sure yet. Maybe you and I could do a duet?" She said.

"Yeah, that'd be great!"

"Good, I was hoping you'd say that." She said. I chuckled. "I was thinking that we could write a song together." She said. I nodded.

"I'm happy I have such a smart girlfriend!" I exclaimed. She giggled. "An,amazingly beautiful and talented girlfriend." I said, deepening my voice. She blushed. She scooted over closer to me and said,

"I'm grateful to have such a... handsome, sexy, and amazingly talented boyfriend... who has abs." She said, lowering her voice as well, even though she's a girl. I grinned and kissed her. 

"Ooh, tongue! Wanky." Santana's voice called. We immediately broke apart, our faces burning.

"Shut up Satan!" I yelled back.

"No thanks, Trouty." She said as she and Brittany sat down across from us. I looked at Brenda who, still red in the face, crossed her legs and clasped her hands together, and said,

"Hi, Santana, Brittany. How are you two today?" She asked calmly. I snorted but she kept a straight face, without blinking. I already know what she's going to do.

"Um, fine..."Santana said, hesitantly while Brittany said energetically,

"We're great, Brenda! How are you and Sam today?"

"Oh, we are perfectly fine Brittany, thanks for asking." She said and smiled widely, still not blinking. It was starting to freak me out, apparently Santana was already freaked out because she stood up quickly and told Brittany,

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