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While the Saiyans were partying and celebrating their victories after conquering so many planets there were at least four Saiyans that were about to make an impact in their lives in their own way. The first Saiyan we meet is named Bardock, after losing his members of his team thanks to Frieza wanting to kill the Saiyans he decided to find the rest of the Saiyans and warn them however they believed he was lying due to the injuries he had sustained. Bardock then took off and said after looking at Frieza's ship and having another vision about his son he passed on the way to Planet Vegeta, he simply said to himself "Frieza....I'm going to make you pay for betraying us." He leapt into the air and he charged his way through the Frieza force which he was easily doing but then Frieza decided to use his supernova attack and kill everyone that was in his way along with the planet. Bardock used one of his attacks to try to disrupt it but it was all for naught as the attack absorbed his blast but it also came at him much faster. Bardock and anyone in the blast was killed instantly but just before fading away he smiled and said mentally ('s up to you now....I'll see you one day....) he finally yelled out just before dying entirely "KAKAROOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!" Frieza on the other hand had no clue about three Saiyans that escaped, firstly Vegeta went off in one pod while his comrade so to speak named Nappa followed behind in his own space craft. As for Kakarot or what he will soon be called Goku headed to Earth while unknowingly he was being followed by another pod with a Saiyan who at least 3 or 4 looking at the new planet and saying "This is my new home now....guess I'd better take care of it as best I can." What this child didn't have on him was a name and any sort of ways to survive since his power was deemed low due to him not being able to access it at an early age, he was visited however by a woman named Gine who held the child in her arms and said to him softly "You don't have a name do you? Hm....I wonder why that is, anyways my name is Gine and I want you to see this child here." Gine brought the Saiyan in her arms to meet Kakarot and what she said to child in her arms was "This is my son Kakarot....I need you to do me a favor okay? When he gets old enough I want you to try your best to help him out." These words were the last thing he heard from Gine but he heard from a Saiyan that he had met once but couldn't remember his name tell him "Good luck little one! Hopefully we all get to see you on Earth!"

(12 years later)

The Saiyan child who followed Kakarot down had been found by an old man named Gohan which incidentally was how he found Goku as well, the Saiyan child was then given the name Thorn due to his sharp yet cunning ability in combat as well as his sharp tongue since he said whatever he felt like and he didn't care about any consequences due to the fact he could handle himself. Thorn then met Goku which ironically Goku instantly recognized him and said while hugging the older Saiyan "Its you! You came to Earth as well!!" Thorn then said to Goku while pulling his arms off of him "Yeah I'm here and you don't have to hug me ya know? Look I need to know one thing Goku, have you seen anyone else like us come to Earth?" Goku then said after a small pause "Actually not really see after I came here I basically have stayed in the woods so I don't think so...maybe they went ahead of us?" Thorn then walked outside and began to think back to those he saw that were still escaping however the only person he could remember seeing was Bardock but what he remembered was that Bardock went after Frieza! Thorn then said to himself "Gine....Bardock....I need you both!" What he meant by this was that Gine was like a mother to him while when Thorn met Bardock he actually got to hear some amazing stories about fighting and learning about his race from the said "low-class" Saiyan. Thorn then heard from Gohan "Let me guess you were thinking about those you've lost?" Thorn nodded and he heard from Gohan "Tell me something and I want you to be honest with both aren't from this planet originally are you?" Thorn paused for a while before finally saying to Gohan "No we aren't....we are what's known as Saiyans, a powerful warrior race from the now destroyed Planet Vegeta. According to those I've learned about our race from, Ive been told that we are basically sent out to conquer planets for those that pay us a lot of currency and in exchange we do as they ask. There's two Saiyans that minus the obvious they are dead were like a mother and father to me, my birth mother died while giving birth to me and my father was killed on another planet.....I think his name was Tora or something like that....anyways the two Saiyans I considered family were a male named Bardock and a female named Gine."  Gohan then said after he processed all of what he just heard "I see....that explains the power that I can feel from both you and Goku. I'm guessing your tails come from the Saiyan race as well?" Thorn then said to Gohan after releasing his tail from around his waist "Yeah....these tails are what we are born with and during a full moon night if we stare at the moon for too long we become something called an Oozaru. That form gives us great power and we can take a few hits but we lose our mind to our primal's something that we use when we want to decimate a planet and it's habitants." Gohan then said after looking a bit shocked "So the Saiyans are more or less killers is what you're saying?" Thorn then said after looking at the ground "Some of us Saiyans are cold-hearted killers....but some of them don't believe in killing unless they have to."

(Timeskip-5 years later)

A tournament was being held for all those that were classified as martial artists, for those that were involved they had to be registered by a certain time otherwise they would take part in the event. For Thorn, Goku and the rest of their friends named Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha they were going to take part in the event after they had already registered for the tournament. While Master Roshi their teacher and a blue haired woman named Bulma waited for them a balloon began to fly away however Goku grabbed the balloon and handed it back to Bulma however she didn't recognize him at first due to his height and the fact he covered his hair due to the rain. When the rain stopped he removed his cover and it was clear that Goku had aged in Bulma's mind at least "rather cute looking." As they waited for the rest of the group to show, Goku then said out loud while looking at Bulma and Roshi "You can come out now Thorn!" As if on cue Thorn appeared from his hiding spot and said while removing his jacket "Finally it stopped raining! Master Roshi good to see you again....and Bulma I must say it's a pleasure to see you as well." This caused the blue haired girl to blush while Roshi said to Thorn "Ah yes its good to see you as well....I take it you were able to finish working on that technique I told you about?" Thorn then said after a small smirk "Of course! After all I'm the strongest student you've ever had!" This caused Goku to say while putting his fists on his hips "Hey! Who said you were stronger than me? Just remember I was always ahead of you since you got hurt all the time!" Thorn then laughed a bit and said "Says the guy who got shoved off of the Nimbus cloud after a certain incident involving Chi-Chi." While he said that last part he slightly nudged Goku in the ribs which caused the teenager to blush a bit while Bulma said to Thorn "Oh both look great, it seems that you guys must have some good genes to look that good." Thorn then said to Bulma after he stopped poking at Goku "Ah yes well we kinda do age well although as ironic as this my sound, Goku and I aren't brothers." This caused Bulma to look confused but Thorn simply told her "Long story short Goku and I happen to look the same but we aren't related by blood as far as I know. Same goes for Goku even he isn't sure we are related." Bulma then blushed and said after noticing that Thorn's eyes were looking at her outfit "H-hey don't look at me like that you pervert!" Thorn then said with his hands held up "Hey sorry Bulma it's just that.....I haven't seen you in a while and what I'm seeing is that you haven't changed much. Sorry if I made think I was being a pervert." Bulma then said with a bit of a sad expression "Sorry I said you were doing that's just that Yamcha has been so inconsistent with spending time with me that I think he's seeing other women...." Goku went to speak and defend Yamcha but Thorn elbowed Goku in the ribs while saying "I wouldn't say anything Goku....just let me handle it." Thorn then said to Roshi after he surveyed the area "Speaking of Yamcha and the gang where are they? Should've been here by now...." Roshi then said to Goku and Thorn "Why don't you two go ahead and get registered and maybe ask how much time they have left." After getting themselves registered for the fight it seemed that Krillin and the others wouldn't make but just as the registry was about to close, Krillin and the others arrived in almost an instant and they signed in before heading over to the hotel for the day since a few storms rolled back in on the gang. Thorn pulled Bulma aside and told Yamcha that he would bring her back for him but he wanted to spend some time to see how she was since they've been away from each other for a few years. Bulma went to speak and ask why Thorn pulled her aside but she simply heard from Thorn "sorry but I had one thing I wanted to do before we left for the hotel..." she went to ask what it was and what she got was a kiss from Thorn that may have last only a few seconds but those seconds made Bulma feel all the emotion that he had built up over the years for her. While Thorn was off training in his own way with various different fighters over the years, his reason for getting stronger and his drive to fight was powered by wanting to protect those he cared for. Bulma then said to Thorn while acting like she was angry "T-That's how you feel about me? Geez Thorn I wish you could've told me sooner." Thorn then said to her while following her act "Make it look like I've pissed you off will ya?" She winked and said while looking apologetic "What the hell Thorn! You know I have eyes for Yamcha why the hell did you do that?" She then slapped him hard enough to make him feel it but soft enough to where it didn't leave any mark. Thorn then thought to himself while watching Bulma walk away (She's definitely gonna be mine one day!) As he walked to the hotel a figure wearing a purple gi similar to King Piccolo's watched over and said to himself "What a'll never get to enjoy that experience when I take over this planet..." the figure disappeared while Thorn thought to himself (What the hell was that.....oh well guess it was nothing.)

So Thorn has regrouped with his friends but can he do his best to protect from an unknown force that hasn't been seen or felt since King Piccolo? Only one way to find out!!!

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