"I found a use for you, didn't I?"

I wasn't given a chance to respond as a set of medics that I didn't recognize surrounded me and James.

"Please, we're here to set his arm."

They were quick about it and seemed to cause James as little pain as possible and before long, his arm was encased in a white cast.

"Don't drag him into this Tony."

"I'll do whatever I please, little mate, you'd best remember what I'm capable of."

And just like that our fate was sealed.


Walking into the woods felt like a death march as my pack watched their queen and prince be marched into the forest, surrounded on all sides by guards.

You're doing what's right.

My thoughts were my own as I'd been given a drug that would prevent me from mind linking anyone so long as it was in my system. I clutched James tighter too my chest as he curled his body around his broken arm as he clung to my neck with the other, face buried in my neck.

After about an hour or so of walking we stopped and a bag was placed over my head so that I couldn't see where we were. James whimpered and curled closer to me as one was placed over his head as well and I did my best to comfort him.

We walked for what felt like two or three more hours before I felt the leaves of the forest change into compact dirt and the concrete. I figured we were being led into a house of some sort, some place old by the damp smell of it. We were led through a winding set of hallways before we were led down a long flight of stairs, 233 if my count was correct and then my feet came into contact with more compact dirt. Where were we?

A metal door creaked open and I was pushed forcefully in and the door was quickly slammed and bolted shut behind me. I gave it a few seconds before I removed the bag from my head and then James'.

We were underground if the dirt floor and walls were anything to go by. The room we were in was small there were no windows and was free of furniture save for a bucket and a cot which upon closer inspection was occupied by someone. They were small, maybe a child, blonde hair peeking out from under the threadbare blanket.


Blond hair.

Could it be?

I rushed over and didn't hesitate to yank the blanket back. The person shot up in alarm, familiar blue eyes darting around the room looking for danger until they finally landed on me.

Oh my goddess.


His eyes widened in disbelief.


Tears of joy fell from my eyes as I laid sight on my little boy. He was alive, bloody and bruised but alive. He threw himself at me as he cried.

"Mommy! You're here, I missed you."

I clutched him close with my free arm, the other still holding James.

"Oh my baby, you're okay."

I clutched both boys close to me and didn't let them go for what felt like hours.

"James, look who it is."

The toddler threw himself at his brother and the two boys embraced, various sounds of 'I missed you' coming from the pair. The three of us sat there just holding onto one another before I broke the silence.

"Steve, why did you leave?"

He looked down and chewed on his lip before sighing.

"The lady who hurt me said that if anybody found out she would hurt daddy and you and daddy found out, so she had somebody hurt daddy just like she said. Then, she came in my room one night and said that if I wanted daddy to get better then I had to call the number and do what they told me so that I could make daddy better. Did it work? Is daddy better? Where is he?"

Just rip it off like a Band-Aid.

"Steve, daddy had to make a trip to heaven."

My heart shattered at the sheer devastation that took over his features.

"No! No! He's a strong daddy, strong daddies don't die!"

I held both boys close to me as we cried together in that damp, dirt room for the man that meant everything to us.

I didn't realize it then, but this was the first day of many that the tree of us would huddle up on this cot and cry together. Because now it was us against the world and the world has a shitty sense of humor.   

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