"Ok...", she replied and left my apartment. I watched the door close and felt regret. She needed me now and I completely bailed... what a coward.


I checked the clock all day and kept thinking over and over again how I could tell her things were going to be okay without sounding like I didnt care. I cared but I knew that people joining the syndicate wasn't a new occurence.

Last year, one of our good friends, Chris, joined. We haven't heard from him much, which we knew would happen but he did upgrade his life completely with a brand new condo and a Bugatti to match. So, Kai joining would be nothing new for us.

It was now 1:30 in the afternoon and my shift at the day care was over. Now I had to face Reina and help her get over this meltdown. I still have no idea how I'm going to make her feel better. I walked to our favorite lunch spot, D' Spot,  she sat outside at a table waiting for me to meet her. "How long have you been waiting?" I ask hoping to break the awkwardness.

"Not long. Sit. Let's get this over with." Her voice made it seem like she was better which made me feel at ease.

"Kai isn't a dumb guy. He won't do anything irrationally. He knows what he's doing. Just trust him." She took in what I said and was silent. Nothing left her mouth she didn't even nod or reassure me that she heard me. I nibbled on the chips we had at the table and looked at her again.

"Ari... I love him. I think I'm just afraid of losing him and I think it's my fault. I just know about what happened with your dad and we can't be so sure he will be okay." She sipped her water and beckoned for the server to come to our table. "Yea, can I have a BLT with sweet potato fries. Ari?"

"Same. Thank you." And then she continued.

"I told him that I can't be with a man that lived check to check. I'm horrible." Reina teared up a bit and let out a sigh, "Do you think it's my fault?"

"No... like I said, he isn't that kind of guy. He could have been thinking about this for months. Maybe it was just horrible timing or something." The server returned with our sandwiches and we ate our lunch in silence. This was unlike us, we always were the loudest when we were in the same room but the aura felt so off like something was wrong. "CRAP!" I shot out of the table and threw a $20 bill on the table, "I have to go. I'll be late! I'm..."

"It's fine, Ari. It's fine." I didn't even hug her or tell her goodbye, I just left.

Le Chateau was one of the fanciest and most expensive restaurants in New Haven which meant that the tips were great. I have to play the role as the bubbly and courteous waitress or else my boss, Mr. Townsend, would have my head which isn't a figure of speech by the way. Most of the patrons here are top members of The Black Dragon and hold a partnership with my boss but I'm not too sure what that partnership is. Chef Mark, or just Chef, always told me that it's best that I don't know anything else and that the more people know then the more trouble they will get in. 

"Ariana. Cover table 6 for Andrew." The head waiter barked out at me in his most arrogant manner. He can be a real dick at times. I headed to table 6 to see a man sitting by himself, he must be waiting for someone.

"Good evening, welcome to Le Chateau. My name is Ariana. Do you know what you would like to drink?" He snickered. Was there something on my face? Then I noticed his cuff links, they were black dragons. He HAS to be a member. "Is... Did I say something wrong?"

"No..." He said now in an obnoxious uproar of laughter. "Not at all. I was just laughing about something from earlier and this guy he was walking up to the... you know what never mind you had to have been there." His voice sounded a bit nervous and nothing like I expected a member of the syndicate to be like. In my head, they were all so serious but that's how they appeared 99% of the time.

"Water?" I asked hoping to not have the millionth awkward moment of the day.

"Actually, can I get some gin and... " He stood silent and his eyes darted to the other side of the restaurant. I turned my head to the direction he is facing to see a man walk in with two other men not far behind. I looked around to see the whole restaurant was silent. "... Ariana?"

I turned back to the man at the table and my eyes grew wide. "Who is that?" I whispered hoping no one else can hear me. I know I shouldn't ask but I was curious in nature.

"Gin and water please." He said with a smile seeming to be unaware of this dark aura creeping through the restaurant. I headed to our bar and told the bartender the order then quickly ran to the kitchen. Chef looked very stern yet so worried at the same time.

"Chef? Who was that?" I asked hoping someone will give me the answer.

"That's V. The leader of The Black Dragon and it seems like Mr. Townsend owes him something or else he would never show up so casually."


"Looks like your drink has been waiting for you. Hurry and give it to your table and stay quiet." He warned me and headed back to his staff to get the dinners ready. I nodded and left. The dining room was still filled with that feeling and all the other patrons looked like they knew what was going to happen, but where was Mr. Townsend?

"Here's your drink. Are you ready to order?" I asked the man as he took a sip of his gin.

"I think I may have to leave a bit early can you grab my check." I nodded and headed to the register to ring him out. I quickly headed back to table 6 and see that the entire room's eyes moved to the door again. It was Mr. Townsend. I felt an hand on my arm as I was pulled down under the table. The man whispered to me, "Stay. THERE." He pulled out a pistol and fired at Mr. Townsend, who was well prepared and had members of a rival syndicate there as well.

I covered my eyes and held my body in fetal. Gun shots fired as screams were heard and broken glass followed. A woman's body fell to the floor beside me, she looked at me reaching toward my hand as she slowly died before my eyes. I gasped. The man came back to the table and grabbed me from under running out of the restaurant with myself in tow.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" I yelled as we finally reached outside. His grip was tight and he made no eye contact with me. I looked back inside to see dozens of patrons dead and a few of the other staff. Tears filled my eyes. Is this really what New Haven has become? 

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