corruption of innocence

Start from the beginning

"Ah, Emily," Her boss said, coming up to the desk and folding his hands behind his back. "I would like you to meet our newest sales associate, Emmett. He's my nephew from Australia, he'll be staying with us here and learning the trade of the business. I would like you to make him feel comfortable and get him anything he needs."

Emily's throat was dry as she croaked back a reply. Emmett's smile grew wider at her uncomfortableness at his presence. "How-do-ya-do." Emmett said, turning it into all one word.

Emily tried to think of something clever to say but instead all that came out was, "Just fine sir, and how are you today?"

Emmett's smile widened, "A lot better now, now that I've met you."

His uncle huffed and pulled Emmett back into his office behind Emily's desk. "Emily cancel my twelve o'clock phone call with Japan, I'm going to go over the procedures with Emmett."

"Of course sir." Emily said, looking back at her computer to cancel the call.

When the door closed behind her and she could no longer feel his eyes burning into her, she sighed and let her shoulder relax. What was this feeling that she had? No one had made her feel this way before, it was quite strange. The rest of the day passed slowly, Emily had a very uncomfortable feeling inside, almost like an itch she couldn't scratch.

The next day when she arrived at the office she found a note on her phone telling her that she needed to meet with the boss on her lunch break to talk about some behavior problems she was having. She thought that this was strange because, the men in the office were the ones with the behavior problems not her. Knowing that she needed to keep this job, she put on a brave face. Something interesting was that the whole morning she had not seen her boss, nor had she seen Emmett. She was rather looking forward to seeing him again.

When the clock chimed one, Emily grabbed her sack lunch she had packed, stood up and knocked on the door to her bosses office. She waited a good twenty seconds before a deep voice on the other side of the door called her in. Taking a deep breath and preparing for the lecture she was about the recieve she opened the door.

On the other side of the door however, was someone that she did not expect to see. Emmett was sitting in her bosses chair, his legs up on the desk, and his hands behind his head. "Ah, Emily, yes, please, come in. Shut the door behind you." Emily frowned but shut the door behind her. "Please take a seat will you?"

"I'm sorry but where's Mr. Gerome? I was told that we were going to have a meeting today?"

"Yes, my uncle sadly was called away on business last night and asked me if I could run the company for a couple of days, a...a trial run of sorts." He said, bringing his hands and feet down. "But we're here to discuss you."

"Me, sir?" Emily asked, looking down, she was intimidated to look him in the eyes.

"Yes, Emily." She could hear in him smirking in his voice, which made her more nervous. "Your behavior has been most...unacceptable from my standpoint. I've only been here for two days, and I know that you are not adequate to fulfill this job's requirements."

She whipped her head up quickly, "Oh, sir! Please don't fire me! The men in this office are most unfair to me! They treat me like I can't understand the simplest things! I've been trying very hard to keep up with all their demands and to be kind at the same time!"

Emmett's smirk was fading as he was listening to her complains, her hope grew as he continued to listen to her. No one had ever just sat and listened to her before, in fact they hardly gave her the chance to talk most of the time.

"I see." Emmett said once she was finished. He stood up and slowly made his way to the bookshelf behind her.

She dared not turn around, she wanted to give him a chance to think about what she had said, without her desperate eyes staring at her. She heard the faint click of a lock before he started to speak again. "Emily, I think that you are just too inexperienced to handle the demands of this job." He said this while walking back to his desk and leaning backwards in front of her. "Tell me, if you can't handle the few simple demands of a couple of men, what would make you qualified to work any secretary job anyways?"

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