Peter B.'s Universe

Start from the beginning

Miles himself landed on a stop light before sending a web out to his right and then one to his left. Pulling back on the webbing he prepared himself and then with all his might he jumped backwards before launching forward. The wind soared around him as he flew through the air, letting the forceful breeze steal the air from his lungs as he hollered a whooo. His voice echoed into the air and reverberated against the buildings before he caught himself with another web.

"Hello New York!" Miles shouted, his voice going raw as they swung up above the Times Square Screen. Landing on the large tower Miles waved to all the pedestrians below before leaping off and webbing to the next building.

It took them less than ten minutes to get to the address that Mary-Jane sent them. They knocked on the window and the woman appeared waving at them before pushing it open. The red haired woman smiled at them, allowing them into the apartment.

"It's nice to finally meet you all." Mary-Jane smiled before turning her attention to each member as they crawled into the apartment one by one. Miles was the first in and quickly threw back the mask on his head revealing his face. "You must be Miles. Peter won't stop talking about you. You know that it's because of you that we got back together." Mary-Jane said as Miles was stunned unable to form words and his face went red. The teen quickly retreated to the corner almost trying to get away from the scene.

Gwen slipped in before yanking her hood and mask off, smiling at the other woman. Some strands of her blonde hair fell into her face and with a puff of a breath it disappeared from sight.

"I am to assume you are Gwen." Mary-Jane stated as Gwen nodded, taking her offered hand.

"Peter said that you were one tough fighter. You reminded him of himself when he was only a few years in." Gwen chuckled.

"I hope that I'm a little more elegant than he is." Gwen laughed before going over to Miles, who was still having a slight mental breakdown in the corner.

"Peter Porker." Porker stated as he trotted into the room offering his hand to Mary-Jane.

"I thought Peter was kidding. Well it's nice to meet you too." The cartoon raised an eyebrow as the two shook hands.

"You remind me of someone that I know in my universe. Mary Crane Watson. She's a real catch." Porker stated as he rushed over to where Miles and Gwen were, leaving a trail of dust in the shape of a pig behind. Mary-Jane chuckled as a young girl was helped through the window, her right hand holding a black gloved one and in her left she clutched a small wrapped red box with gold stars on the paper.

"Konichiwa." Peni said as Mary-Jane leaned down to meet the younger girl and shaking her hand.

"I'm Mary-Jane. You must be Peni. I am to assume that large machine was yours, where did you leave that?"

"On the roof. We got Peter a gift, I hope he likes it." Peni stated as Mary-Jane smiled, brushing some of the girls black hair from her face and behind her ear.

"I'm certain that he will love it." Mary-Jane reassured as the final member climbed through the window, landing on the ground with a thump and getting the young girl to look up at him. "You must be Noir then. I'm Mary-Jane." She said offering her hand to the monochrome man.

"You are correct, these lads call me Noir. Although my name is also Peter." Noir informed taking Mary-Jane's hand. Peni rushed forward, yanking Miles from the corner.

"Peter will be home soon enough, so let's get ready."


Peter hated working, don't get him wrong he needed the money. Spider-Man doesn't exactly pay the bills, but he hated sitting in an office, staring at a computer screen and clicking buttons all day. He would rather be swinging from building to building feeling the wind through the mask and the adrenaline pulsing through his blood.

He trudged up the stairs exhaustion lingering at the edge of his mind. Taking a deep breath, he knew that MJ was out of town for the night so the apartment they share would be empty. He didn't want to be alone, especially on his birthday. How he wished the gang could get back together, it had been months since the collider incident and he missed them. Peni was able to create a communication system but she was nowhere near being able to travel from universe to universe.

Pushing open the door of the stairwell, he proceeded into the hallway as he dug the key from his pants pocket. God he was tired, and he still had to do some spidermaning. He fumbled with the lock as he attempted to get the key into the hole. Unlocking the door, he pushed it open and revealed the dark apartment. Huffing a breath, he shut the door forcefully behind himself before reaching over and hitting the light switch.

"Happy Birthday!" The voices shouted in unison and Peter jumped attaching himself to the ceiling. A laugh echoed from the room as Peter finally got the chance to look around and he quickly dropped to the ground.

"Wait... how-" Peni rushed forward hugging Peter hard and nearly knocking him to the ground.

"Let the birthday boy at least have the chance to comprehend what is happening." Gwen laughed as she jumped up perching on the edge of the couch. Miles was laughing as he walked over pulling Peni from Peter and then hugging the man himself.

"How did you all get here?" Peni sprinted to the table plucking the box from the table and rushing over to the man. Peter hesitantly took it from Peni the excitement rolling off her as she watched him. Tearing at the paper, he opened the box a bit surprised to find a picture frame within and a small box underneath. Picking up the frame it was a picture that Gwen had taken on the bus ride back to the city after they got the processor from Alchemax. Miles was smiling, wearing that terrible costume and Gwen was sitting across from him holding up the phone. As for Peter himself, he was sitting up enough so that his eyes and nose peeked over the seat in front of him. His right eyebrow is raised out of irritation, confusion, curiosity? He couldn't remember.

"Wow..." Peter smiled before turning his attention to the small box. Pulling it from its place he carefully spun it in his hand before setting down the frame.

"You going to open it or just stare at it?" Ham asked only to get a whack from Noir.

"I'm getting there." Peter stated as he pulled the top off the small box and noticed a bracelet sitting within. It had a small screen on it that flashed on upon touch, setting up coordinates and it took Peter a moment to realize what it was. "This is how you got here." Peter muttered as the rest of the group raised their left wrist showing off the bracelet.

Miles bracelet was a deep red with black trim and screen, black webbing rushed through the red giving the illusion of street art. Peni's bracelet was pink with white webbing and hearts littering the band. Noir's was a simple black and grey bracelet matching his own coloring so he could wear it when he was out in his universe. Gwen's had a white band with intricate webbing twisting in and around the bracelet in pink and black coloring. Porker's was the most cartoonish looking thing that Peter has ever seen and it brought a smile to his face. In truth it looked like an old grandfather clock with blue webbing interlacing around the wood. As for his own, it held the Spider-Man logo on it in a bright blue that sat amongst the rest of the red strap.

"Yes, and I texted them and told them to come." Mary-Jane stated as she stepped forward, kissing her boyfriend before pulling away and looking at Peni who was watching them intently.

"We also preprogrammed it with all of our universe coordinates on it so all you have to do is point in the direction you want the portal to appear and then hit the coordinate you want. Then boom, you're coming over!" Peni shouted the excitement bubbling off her as Peter smiled down at the young girl.

"This is great and all but I heard there was cake." Ham stated as he jumped off the couch and rushed into the kitchen. Mary-Jane quickly went after the cartoon as she followed him into the kitchen.

"Not before dinner. You're setting a terrible example." Mary-Jane chuckled as she disappeared into the kitchen and Peter smiled at the remaining group.

"Hug?" Peni asked as she moved closer to Peter, who happily hugged the girl. Suddenly there was another set of arms around them as Miles joined in followed shortly after by Noir and Gwen.

"Are we having a hugging party?" Ham questioned before rushing into the group hug and suddenly the balance that the group of spiders had gave way and they all crashed to the ground. A laugh escaped the gang as Mary-Jane watched from the doorway of the kitchen a smile on her face.

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