His Flowers

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His POV: The sun was high in the sky when I placed my foot on the boards that made up my wooden porch. It created a loud squelching noise as I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. I then was standing in my green grass staring at my gate that leads to the start of my daily walk. I limped my way until I reached a bench that stood before a grey fissured sidewalk. I set my plastic cane against the arm of the bench and sat down on the warmed stained planks. I sat silently and watched as cars sped their way down the black tared asphalt. In front of me, the sidewalk stood motionless beside the few insects that scrambled their way toward the yellowing grass behind me.

His POV: Sighing, I stood up. My knees popped, and my back cracked as I put my hands above my head, stretching. Grabbing my cane with the yellow balls at the end, I started my journey back home. Looking up the sky had now turned a pale pink with beautiful swirls of orange. As I was approaching my once white picket fence my flower patch, that had started to take over my entire front lawn, caught my eye. It was filled with loud colors even though it was the time of the dead months. Smiling, I unlatched my oxidized gate lock and made my way slowly to my weather-beaten door.

His POV: I started my day just like the one before and the one before that with sitting down on the rickety old bench and waiting. I stared down at my tarnished gold wristwatch in desperation. The crease in my brow intensified and the sweat on my forehead dripped down the side of my cheek. I wiped it off with an off-white handkerchief before it could fall onto my short wrinkled button up. With a heave, I shoved the now wet cloth aggressively into my pocket. Then I saw Her.

Her POV: I had started my morning run down the sidewalk and then around the corner. I came to a halt when I couldn't move at my brisk pace anymore. I stopped with my hands on my warm knees. Beside me sat an old man who was sitting on a bench facing the sun glaring at his watch. So I smiled at him from my crouched position. As I caught my once frantic breath, I got up, waved, and started my jog once more finally ending up back home.

His POV: She stopped and rested next to my bench and smiled at me. I watched Her inhale deep, and exhale rather slowly. She was perfect; everything about Her was. From the way Her knees bent. To the way, Her hair glistened in the dark autumn sun. She is the one. I wanted Her, no I needed Her. She finally got up from Her bent over position. She waved and smiled as She started to leave. Standing up with a satisfied smile I began my journey home.

His POV: All of my dreams consisted of Her. I dreamt of nothing besides Her. Her face. Her hands. Her hair. Every thought that ever crossed my old brain were interrupted by Her. Making my way toward my bench I thought of all the possibilities of what I could do to Her. Sitting down my eyes clouded over as I had daydreams of Her and only Her.

Her POV: Instead of jogging like usual I decided to go for a much-needed leisure walk. I took the same trail as I did the day before. Mesmerized by the bright colored leaves that were falling around me I didn't notice the cold calloused hand on my wrist until it was too late. I looked down at the wrinkled hand and up. My mouth gaped open like a fish out of water. Struggling to get away from the tight grip, I ended up on the ground where I hit my head. Everything went black.

His POV: I have got Her. I finally have gotten Her. She is mine and only mine.

Her POV: Opening my eyes slowly then shutting due to the harsh light that surrounded me. Peeking through my thick black lashes my eyes finally adjusted to the glare. I glanced around and noticed I was in a cell-like cage. I was laying on a lumpy, stained mattress with a blanket strewn across my shivering body. I was shackled to the cement wall by freezing metal that connected to my raw and bruised ankle. I winced as I pulled on it. Finally letting it fall onto the mattress where it bounced and then laid still. I sat there in complete and utter shock, shaking my head back and forth trying to wake up from this nightmare. I then lost it and started to frantically bang on the wall closest to me and wail in horror.

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