Chapter one

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I step into my apartment after coming home from the animal shelter where I impulsively bought a cat. I took the cat out of his crate on the floor, and held my hand out for him to smell. The caretakers at the shelter told me his name was Ben. At first I thought it was odd that someone would name a cat Ben, but now I find it very fitting. I smiled at him, and he blinked at me with his ocean blue eyes before rubbing his face on my hand and slightly purring as I pet his blonde fur. I've always loved cats, but i have never found the right time to get one, as I'm always traveling for my acting career.
Ben didn't have any food, or other necessities, so I grabbed my keys, and walked to the door to leave. Ben started meowing, as If telling me not to leave, so I reached down to pet him, before leaving.

it had started raining when I was out shopping. I opened my car door, grabbed my grocery bags, and slammed it shut before fast-walking to get inside my apartment.
I struggled to open the door to my apartment while carrying multiple heavy bags(maybe I had over done it at the grocery store? I bought Ben a collar, just Incase he got out, a scratching post, and some food. I can always go back out if I need something else.)
As I finally opened the door, I sighed and set the bags down on the floor before calling Ben and looking around.
My eyes centered on the couch, and I had to do a double take as I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Why the hell is there a naked man on my couch?? I'm sure that I locked my door, and there's no way someone could've come in. He doesn't look like a bum, or a thug either...
"I don't know who you are, but get out of my apartment before I call the police," I said sternly as he stared at me before his eyes widened, and he began to speak. "I'm your cat Ben." I turned my head to the side and rolled my eyes as I reached for my phone from my pocket before he frantically started to speak again.
"Please hear me out. I know it may sound crazy but I really am Ben. I turn into a cat when the sun sets every night. I tried to keep you here so you could see, but I couldn't. I don't know why I'm like this but I've been this way for as long as I can remember."
My brows furrowed in confusion and disbelief at what he said. "Stay there," I said as I went to look for my cat. I had checked every room in my apartment twice before going back to the strange man claiming to be Ben. He stared at me with wide eyes and I noticed that they were the same ocean blue color as Ben's eyes. His hair was a similar color to the cat's fur as well. Huh. I looked down and realized he was still naked. My cheeks reddened and I diverted my eyes before going to grab Ben some clothes. I came back and handed him a tee shirt and sweatpants "So when do you change back?" I asked as he started to put his shirt on, and I tried not to stare at his toned muscular body, and opted to stare at the wall next to him. He didn't seem to notice me getting flustered anyways. I looked back at him as he started to speak "At sun rise, I guess." I raised an eyebrow and asked confusedly "what do you mean, 'I guess'?" His eyes cast downward in thought, and he said " I don't know. I go to bed looking like this," he pointed at himself, " and I wake up a cat." I opened my mouth to speak, and he went on "I haven't had much luck with owners, as I'm sure you can imagine, so...please let me stay...." He looked at me with wide begging eyes, and a hopeful expression.
I sighed, "fine..." he immediately smiled  and jumped off the couch "Thank you..." "Joe" I said. "Thank you Joe." He said with a small smile. I continued "But I expect you can find somewhere to live soon." I said distantly. He looked at the floor, and nodded "You can sleep here tonight if that's okay," he nodded again, "Okay. I'll get you some blankets."
I think I'm going crazy...
I walked back into the living room with a big blanket in hand, and a pillow. I handed them to Ben, and he thanked me. After saying our goodnights to each other, I shut the lights off, and headed to bed. I fell asleep as soon as I got to bed.

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