To anger a warlord

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I was out and about the same time chase, the infamous warlord, decided to appear. Came back some time going into midday, dropped off some of the shopping bags in the kitchen, before descending wooden stairs to Jack's basement lab. 

"Jackie, babydoll, I looked but the market didn't have yer usual chips. Somethin bout being recalled, but if'n it's all the same to y'all, I found these yogurts covered banana puddin chips. Don't rightfully trust'm me. Hope that's alright-." Looking up from the questionable bag of banana-themed chips, my grayish-brown iris lock with familiar fierce molten yellow.

"Oh, hey, you're back!! So umm..look who stopped by for a visit." Jack had a somewhat relief tone in his voice but his body language spoke of fleeing and nervous twitching. "Remember? The one who I said would inevitably pop up."

The threat of being dismembered by the said individual was roughly stated two weeks ago. With school and touring most of China, I had placed Jackie's warning on a back burner for later. I can't lie. I had forgotten.

"Color me surprised, sugar. It would seem I forgot about our potential visitor."

"You forgot?! How could you forget the fact that we are going to die?!"

"Fragmented secrets of the Golden sabertooth moose-turtle temple won't uncover themselves, sweetness, but you're right. Our lives should have taken top priority."

Jack seemed as though he was about to rebuttal and continue to halfhearted reprimand me for downplaying the seriousness that is losing our life, but instead, his features went soft and said, "How did that go by the way? I remember lending you some tools to aid in the restoration process of a rock cased object you found."

"Oh, It went as well as expected. It wasn't fully intact as hoped but still able to identify that it's a totem of some kind. A jack-bot helped and recorded the session, I thought it would automatically notify ya after we were done."

"Aw man!! Stupid monks took too long monologing about friendship and being goodie goodies instead of getting on with the actual showdown, so I got in late that day. Do you remember which jack-bot it was?."

"Naw, not really. Don't worry nun. I got a blog that I post on every time I restore objects. Apparently, people are interested in that sort of thing."

"Sweet, you can send me a link!! I really want to see exactly how you-."


It would seem the Prince of darkness does not take well to being ignored. Noted.

"I did not come here to listen to idiotic chatter, spicer. I am here for answers on why of all the putrid flesh that has crawled from the wretched underbelly of the unknown depths, was I dishonored by a mere lesser mortal? A mortal that has ties to YOU."

His threatening tone and molten stare cause jack to curl in on himself.

Myself, on the other hand, was undeterred by his harsh words and did as normal and acknowledge chase, wanting to get his attention. "If it ain't too much to ask, Mr. Young". I remove my hat, hold it against my chest as a courtesy greeting, I'd prefer to go by cookie. Raja Morison Bijou if you prefer a bit more formal like greeting."Before returning the Stanton to its rightful place.

This does get his focus to switch away from jack and earn me a scoff. He's quick to look me over before speaking. "Showing manners now are we? The weight of your situation has finally dawned upon the feeble mind and you wish to show mercy."

If he was hoping for a reaction, sad to say it won't happen. One of the attributes of being monotone and having a face that doesn't show too many expressions.

"Not at all Mr. Young. Momma brought me up to always respect others. Puttin mah best foot forward, sorta speak, seeing as how we got off on the wrong one". Confident are my Strides as I pass by Chase, glancing over the fact that if he's a powerful immortal shapeshifting dragon warlord, who could easily break me in half with a well-placed hit. Or so says jack.

Speaking of the said redhead. I make it to his side, giving him a reassuring smile while placing the chip bag on his workbench for him to inspect. Knowing that some odd crispy dessert junk food was the farthest thing from the albino's mind, even so, I turn back towards Chase. "As I told Jack, just like I'm gon tell you, I'm truly sorry for what I did. That being said, it should also be taken into account that I did not know who you were, what you could do or any of this. Jack didn't want me to get involved and as selfless as his actions where careless, it was of no ones real intent to make a fool out'ya."

"It's the truth chase. Cookie doesn't, well she didn't know anything about the wu, showdowns or anything." Jacks speaking up. That's a good sign. Even if I'm mostly acting as a shield to keep some form of peace if chase does intend to lash out. Which might happen as how Jack has one tiny flaw about him.

"She only tied you up cause she mistook you for a wild alligator and sure the monks might pick fun at you and bring up how you were lassoed."

When nervous, he talks. More than he should.

"But when do you cared about what they had to say."

And says things he shouldn't. Like repeatedly a play by play of an event that got them into this mess, to begin with.

"You would be advised to hold your tongue, worm."


"Whoa there." Instinctively I put myself between chase as he advances towards Jack. "No need for any of that. Nah we were all just gettin long, let's not ruin it with violence."

"Who are you dare get in my way?! You insignificant little-"

Chase stops and stares, realizing that he's straining his neck in order to directly look me in the face. Now I'm no mind reader, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that his thoughts are along the lines of, "So, on top of being utterly humiliated by this mortal women, she's also a noticeable two feet taller than me."

"Uh, little is not the right word to describe-"

"Not. A. Word."

"Shutting up now," Jack says as he hides behind his friend.

The warlord has to step back in order to glare at us both. Hatred obviously more towards me than the self-proclaimed evil genius. A beastly growl rumbles from his throat before stating, "This discussion isn't over" and within a blink of an eye.

"..Well, then."

"How haven't I noticed? You're taller than chase. A Whole two feet taller than chase!!"

"Wait a minute. You tellin me he left because of mah highly?"

"Oh, this is just incriminating. Not as if chase hasn't faced off against enemies who were taller than him, but at least those guys had magic or where nonhuman. You have no magic abilities, mortal and are taller than him. An let's not forget your inexpressive expressions and monotone voice. He probably found you infuriating from the lack of a reaction."

"Nah just cuz I ain't shakin in my boots don't mean I wasn't afraid none, but when you're lookin down at a man from over ya chest the situation does lose its intensity."

We stand around in silence before it's broken by me giving off a low whistle.

"So that was Chase young, immortal warlord."

"You've only seen a small portion of what he's capable of."

"Well, Lady Luck smiled down on us this day and survived. Who's to say she'll continue?" Lightly hip bump him and motion to the stairs. " Come on up for lunch. make'n stuffed bell peppers."

"How is it possible for you to easily switch the subject? An why not just microwave some pizza bites or something?"

"One. Nun'in beats a fresh homemade meal and microwave food is unhealthy. Two. No use dwindlin on the subject. What happen happened, so play with the cards that have been dealt n hope the outcome ain't too bad."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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