the letters - hyunjin

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my hand was aching as if i had been hanging off a cliff for an hour. i was determined to finish writing. i had already spent hours on these letters, they were too important to lose the steady flow i had going.

i remember the radio playing softly in the back of my simple bungalow, perched atop the broken footstool which i had turned into a table. its odd. for some reason i remember the weather that day. sunny , highs of 20°c with a very light breeze in the air.

it was soothing sitting in the warmth of the sun , brightening my usually dull home. this combined with the chilled atmosphere gave me more reason to complete my stack of letters. what a beautiful day to deliver them too.

focused on my letters - i began to sink into my imagination and forget the world around me. i thought of pretty cats and sweet drinks on a hot spring day. i thought of the letters and their receivers.

until suddenly, the sharp noise of a crash broke my trance. i did not feel scared in that moment and looking back, im not sure why. usually im quite skittish. like a cat.

slowly, i rested my pencil on the table and stood up from my chair. maybe i gained courage from the warm weather. maybe it was an inner strength that had all of a sudden emerged from within me.

i began lightly stepping, tiptoeing slightly, trying to follow the source of the noise. cautiously , i peeked around the corner of my hall to see two red thistles among the remains of a vase lying on the floor.

strangely, i felt no fear.

"who would've done this ?" i thought.

to be sure there wasnt an intruder, i opened the back door and peered outside to see...
a bracelet?

this chapter was a bit of a flop as i didnt really know what else i could write lol. sorry hyunjin 🥵

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