(3) Prince Charming

Start from the beginning

The way Sophie makes me happy...

No, Becca. Pick yourself up and forget the fucking past. You're stronger than this.

I leave my heels and bag at the door and wipe my tears. I stagger to the kitchen to take some whiskey. Whiskey comes in handy in nights like this. I pour myself some whiskey in a glass and carry the bottle with me to the living room. I have a feeling me, myself and I are going to drink carelessly tonight, sleep on the couch and wake up with a migraine. But who cares? It's not like I have an early morning at work tomorrow. I'll be reporting at work in the afternoon. How convenient.

I slump on the black couch (with puffy cushions) , the glass of whiskey clutched in my hand as I switch on the TV. Guess who I see on the TV!


Guess who else?


And guess what it is? You got that right,


I have a feeling Tim called Trent for the interview on purpose. He knew it would cause a lot of media frenzy and capture a wider audience. But it's not fair. In fact, it's not professional. I had the right to know. Atleast a day prior or some hours prior. Not just surprise me like that.

I immediately change the channel because all I'm doing is finding fault in everything I'm doing and how red my face looks. I look as if I'm about to burst out in tears and my cheeks look bigger than usual. In short, I look absurd. I look like a stupid teenager who's blushing at her crush. Or maybe I'm being too hard on myself. I decide to change the channel immediately before I start thinking about killing that stupid girl on TV.

As if life couldn't be more unfair, I switch onto another channel. And guess who I see!

Stupid Sophie Saffron.

I hate her! I hate everything about her. I can't believe Trent once said that her green eyes look like mine. Because they don't! Hers are too ugly and too round and too big and too stupid. Wait, can eyes be stupid! Yes, everything about her is stupid.

And guess what she's doing right now!

She's fucking acting.

Yea, the bitch is an actress. Talking bout she went to a theatrical and acting school in the US. Who gives a shit! No, I do. I give a shit. You know why, because when Trent was busy sobbing and feeling guilty about her death, the bitch was in a theatrical school in the US enjoying life and probably fornicating with any trouser that came her way. Yea, she looks cheap.

So, I'm sitting on my couch watching Stupid Sophie (I'm trying not to call her a bitch but she's still a bitch!), faking crocodile tears. Oh my God! She's such a terrible actress. She's forcing tears and not even feeling the moment. Believe me, I didn't go to any theatrical school but I swear my acting is way better than her. By far better than hers!

Stupid Sophie slaps some woman in the movie and glowers at her.

"He chose me!" she snaps.

I choke on my drink and drop the glass on the floor, and watch as it shatters into tiny pieces. I don't know why but I feel overwhelmed by an outburst of emotions. I don't know how I'm feeling. It's just a build up of anger and rage and immense sadness and it's out of control tonight. This prompts me to grab the remote and hurl it on the screen of my TV.

I don't want to see that bitch.

"Biiiiiiiiiiiiitch!" I cry as I watch the remote break my screen.

When the TV goes off, I take the bottle of whiskey and fall back on my couch. Tears stream down my cheeks as all those memories flood back. I feel the pain in my stomach and the migraine that has started to build up. This is just too much. I feel so full. So full of pain. So full of sadness. So full of different emotions but most of all, so full of.... Emptiness.

And it's the worst feeling ever.

I'm drinking myself to the fullest till I fill up this void... This emptiness... But I know that's not possible. It will just make me drunk and fall asleep fast. I finish the drink in the bottle and stand from the couch to get some more. I want tequila now!

"Ouch!" I yelp in a sharp pain.

I just stepped on broken pieces of glass. It's so painful, making me fall back on the couch. I look at my foot and it's bleeding. I don't know why but I start crying. Like, not the silent crying. The new born baby crying. The not-so-mature crying. Why do I have to go through all this pain in just a single night? This is not fair! I'm now laid back on the couch crying about my bleeding foot and my unfair life.

It is then that I hear a knock on the door.

Who in hell could it be?

In some strange part of me, I silently wish it's Trent. Know why, so that he can first aid and bandage my foot. I remember the morning I woke up to find my foot first aided by him. It was one of the best feelings ever!

I leap to the door after drying my eyes off the tears. Whoever it is, I hope they don't notice I was crying.

The door flies open and it's him.



I thought I told him to leave. Wait, has he been around all this time? Talk about creepy.

"Rebecca, are you fine?" he's so concerned and worried about me. More than I am actually.

"I told you to...." hiccup. "leave."

I didn't notice I was this drunk.

"You're drunk!" he says observing me.

"Not too drunk to... To forget that I told you to leave!"

The pain on my foot is too much. But I try my best to stand stable. But all stability is lost when my feeble feet can't keep up. So I just fall flat on the ground.

"Oow! My ass!" I cry.

But Kyle is not concerned about my ass. He's too concerned about my bleeding foot.

Kyle falls on his knees on the ground next to me, empathy written on his face. I just look at him in awe and I can't help but think to myself...

Prince charming...

"Oh my God Rebecca! Your foot is bleeding. Are you... Are you.... Okay?"

Kyle is kneeling on the ground holding my head. He's acting as if I'm dying and I laugh at him.

"Rebecca, this is serious. It's the wrong time to be laughing," he says in a serious stern manner. Jeez! He doesn't have to be that serious.

"Rebecca, do you have a first aid kit in the house?"

I nod.

"where?" Kyle asks, agitated.

I don't know what happens but my vision is suddenly blur and I can't seem to get the words out of my mouth.

"Where?" he repeats louder.

But this time, my eyes shut and I feel my body carried and wrapped up in warm muscular arms.

For the first time in a long time, I feel safe.

Safe in a stranger's arms.

My sight blurs before I pass out.


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So much love

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