One last question..

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Okay my lovely readers this is not an update but it's very important for the final part of this story. 

So as I have said before one or two time in this story that I planned the climax of this one before start writing it here on wattpad and I'm so happy you guys read this long starchy story and encourage me all the time to update it 😍😍
But the thing is here as I mentioned in  33part that if Pezazue end/killed all his slaves and even Laksh die with him too cause Laksh only alive now because Pezazue used his magic powers on him to give him life and made him his slave so one very small part of Pezazue present in laksh so if Pezazue die Laksh too die leaving story on sad note like before which is logical at some points

But seeing comments of you guys to happy raglak reunion should i change the ending scene and let laksh live or should I wrote  both raglak die and become one in heaven??

Comment your opinion before 9 tonight as after 11 final part will be published

Do you want there happily ever after where Laksh live in end or you want raglak to meet in heaven??

If I got comments before 9 then I change the ending scene if not then I write as I planned where laksh die 😶😶

And one more thing do you all want end is just a beginning complete season 2 or should I delete it ??

end is just a beginning new version raglak ffWhere stories live. Discover now