CinnamonRollDaBEEFCAKE:thax Kachan ^^

SonofaNuke: watever, the hell you on about anyway?

InfinityandBeyound: Deku has a bit of friend trouble with an adult friend.

LordPikachu: Midoriya has a sugar Daddy

SonofaNuke: ...

SonofaNuke: Did you fucking fry all your brain cells? Deku is too much of a bitch to go there. Stop hanging with the fucking PAL before you end up like him.

 LordPikachu: A pervert?

SonicGundom: A sex offender.

LordPikachu: oh... yeah maybe I should hang with Kiri more than him...

CinnamonRollDaBEEFCAKE: so... think I should visit him?

SonofaNuke: stop Dicking around, Deku and JUST DO IT! 

SonofaNuke has left  A-1 Stake Class

LordPikachu: OwO

InfinityandBeyound: Don't you dare, Kaminari!

LordPikachu: TOO LATE!

LordPikachu:(Picture of Shia labeouf Meme: Just Do It)

 LordPikachu:(Picture of Shia labeouf Meme: Just Do It)

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SonicGundom: You are a Villian in disguise, Kaminari.

LordPikachu: (Gif of guy with a thumbs up)

LordPikachu: (Gif of guy with a thumbs up)

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InfinityandBeyound: two can play at that game!

SonicGundom: No! Don't go down to his level Uraraka!

InfinityandBeyound: (Gif of an angery woman with a hammer..)

LordPikachu: oh shit!

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LordPikachu: oh shit!

LordPikachu has left A-1 Stake Class

InfinityandBeyound has left A-1 Stake Class

SonicGundom: ...

SonicGundom: I have to go stop her from sending him into the sun...

CinnamonRollDaBEEFCAKE: probably for the best. I'll be back later.

SonicGundom: safe travel Midoriya!

CinnamonRollDaBEEFCAKE: Good luck with reeling Uraraka back, Iida

CinnamonRollDaBEEFCAKE has left A-1 Stake Class

SonicGundom: has left A-1 Stake Class

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