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Status Updated

"He's so cute," I uttered while staring on his newly updated profile picture with a caption, "Stolen shot captures the reality."

How I wish, I was the straw he was sipping, or maybe the phone he was holding, or the wall he was leaning on.

Just to be close with him is enough for me. But he seems like thinking too deeply.

Does he have a problem?

"What's the matter?" I typed on the comment section, and then click send.

But he just hit a like on my comment.


The day after that, he posted a status saying, "Starting to hate billiards," with an exhausted emoticon. Just a few seconds ago.

I instantly commented, "Why?"

For twenty minutes I waited for his reply but again, he just hit a like on my comment.


After doing my assignments, I checked my Facebook's news feed. Mostly my friends' shared posts. Well, I only have less than a hundred friends in my account. Just my relatives, friends, and some closest classmates, and him.

Boring. I know.

My display picture isn't my picture. I just got it from Google, a picture of a kitten with a quote, "Cutest of them all." That's my only picture I used to display since I created this Facebook account, two years ago.

Mostly, shared memes, blogs, vlogs, or any posts from other pages was the only posts posted on my timeline.

Super boring? I know.

As I scroll down, I saw his new status, "Need someone to talk to." Updated two minutes ago. With eighteen likes and twenty-four comments.

He's so famous. Hoping to be noticed, I posted my prepaid number '0900*******' on the comment section.

Five minutes,

Ten minutes,

Twenty minutes,

Twenty-seven minutes,

Thirty four minutes,

Forty-five minutes, there's still no reply, no one call.

Time to give up I think.

Before I go to bed, for the first time, I posted a picture of mine. A selfie captured last summer in our relative's bungalow, with a caption, "Unnoticeable."

I don't know but I just had the urge to post it. Corny may it seems but that's what I feel right now.

Seconds later and a notification popped up, 'Mika Sinn updated her profile picture.'

Finally changed my display picture for two years. Hahaha!

I was about to turn off my phone when an unregistered number called me.

I answered it and yelled, "What?!"

"Is it Mika?" said on the other line. What a manly voice.

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