Death is Coming

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When we finally did catch our breaths I sat up taking a breath. My back was already sore and so were my legs. "Okay, I'm going to start dinner," I said to Levi before sliding on some sweats.

"I'll help," he said following my lead.

We headed out of the bedroom and quietly started making dinner. The silence didn't feel awkward. No, it actually felt calming and just peaceful in general.

After we finished cooking we sat down and ate a lovely dinner. I couldn't keep my eyes off Levi pretty much the whole time I was sitting across from him. His eyes, his face, his smile, his chest, everything about him was gorgeous. It was like staring at a work of art handcrafted by the gods. I have never seen a human being more handsome.

"Hey, babe?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.


"You're staring," he laughed.

I felt my cheeks start to heat up but I bit back any embarrassment. "Damn right I am. You're fucking hot babe," I said with as much confidence as I can muster up. It was worth it.

He started laughing before looking back at me. "I didn't know there was a mirror in front of me." He said and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"That was pretty damn smooth."

"I know."

We finished our food and before we could do anything else Levi's phone started to ring. He walked over and mouthed Hanji before answering it on speaker.

"Hey Levi," Hanji's voice came through the phone.

"Hey, you're on speaker, please be semi-appropriate," he begged.

"Oh, hey Eren, how's it going?" She asked cheerfully.

"Pretty good we just ate dinner," I answered awkwardly.

"That's cool, so are you going to get some dick from Levi, or have you already done that?" Her question coming through blunt and straight to the point. She didn't beat around the bush, but then again for as little as I've known her one thing I definitely know is that she doesn't hold back with her questions.

"Hanji," Levi groaned in annoyance.

"Sorry, sorry. That's right you wanted me to be a little more appropriate." I could tell by the tone of voice she was using she wasn't the slightest sorry, and that she might even ask the question again.

"So Levi, you and Eren have really gotten close," she said as a statement yet Levi still replied.

"Yes, we have."

"So do you think you and you're new boyfriend," she said the word playfully as she dragged it out, "will start getting into the really kinky stuff." She asked and before Levi or I could say anything another voice came through the phone.

"Levi has a boyfriend?" the voice had asked.

"Shit! Hi, babe welco-." Click. Hanji must have hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked Levi looking at him not sure whether or not to panic.

Levi looked mildly amused but also mildly panicked. "Well, it seems Hanji's girlfriend is back in town. And Hanji already blew the secret to her." He rolled his eyes.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I'm not sure yet." He sighed but a text came through his phone. "It's from Hanji. She says, 'Her girlfriend came home earlier than expected. I told her I was just teasing you about having a boyfriend and that you don't really have one. I hate lying to her. Remind me to kill you next time I see you'." he finished reading and he looked up at me even more panicked than before.

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