Sierra and the secret boy that she had been seeing did not work out or so she told me a few weeks after Luke and I started dating. She was happy for Luke and me, but at the same time, she was unhappy that her own relationships were not working out. I assured her that she would find someone soon – maybe very soon. We were all good friends now.

Tristan was still into his playboy ways and was still the heartthrob of our school. Girls still fall for his charm, some of them do so even after knowing that all he says to them is pre-practiced and he wouldn't even call them after they had hooked up. He was living his life the way he wanted to.

Theo and Kyra were still together and they were very happy with each other. It was sometimes very weird to see them kissing each other or you know, just being all cute and couple-y, because when they fight with each other so much that anyone who doesn't know their relationship would have thought that they hate each other. As much as they argue and exchange heated words, they loved each other like there was no tomorrow.

River has not gotten back into the dating wagon yet, he was still reeling from his last heartbreak. About six months ago, one surprising day when River Welkins of all the people opened up to me without me having to force my way into his thoughts; he had told me that he was over Kyra, but not over the fact that his first love chose his cousin over him. Of course, he was not bitter about it anymore, but it still pained him to think that. He was slowly trying to diminish all those thoughts because he was afraid that one day he will explode to Theo about it and not really mean his words, but that could still hurt Theo's feelings.

Ryder had been dating this girl called Melanie from his Chemistry class for about six months now. They just broke up last week because they thought that it was time to end it and that their relationship was not working out. Ryder was all fine with it and had told us that they were both better off as friends than as a couple.

Axel had left Melbourne, three months after our Year 12 had started; he had started school in a University in Singapore. He did stop by at my house to say goodbye, too bad Aaron had been breathing down my neck the whole time, making our last moments before he left for university a very awkward one. Nevertheless, he wished me luck with my year 12 and also with my new relationship with Luke – that time it was very much new, we had only been a couple for two months then. Last I heard from Ryder, Axel was happy and still single, pursuing his degree of architecture in a University somewhere in Singapore. I cannot be happier for him.

Mrs. Daniels, Ryder and Axel's mom was not Mrs. Daniels anymore, she was now Miss. Tunney. Yes, Ryder and Axel's parents got divorced over the course time of our Year 12 and their father moved out of the house. Ryder told me that he has been dating his hot secretary since then and didn't even have a little remorse over what he had done to their family. Both, Ryder and Axel did not want anything to do with that man and they are not on talking terms still.

Kade and Nova, unfortunately, broke up because of some stupid fight about choosing colleges. Nova had insisted that she go back to her table for lunch and eat there alone, but we had told her that we were not having it and that we are her friends too. She reluctantly started to sit with us in our table during lunch, but as far away from Kade as possible. It has been about two months since they broke up.

Kade looked fine for most of the days, but I knew that it was killing him on the inside to know that he had let a stupid fight come in between him and his girlfriend – well, ex-girlfriend now. He was too much full of pride to apologize and take her back though – I heard him tell Luke that the break up was what Nova wanted. They were not on talking terms for about two months, before they slowly started to acknowledge each other's' presence. It was still difficult for them to talk, but they are trying to remain friendly and civil with each other.

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