"What do you want, Caroline?" he asked bluntly, sighing, his tone bored, "Why are you here?"

I blanched slightly at his point blank question. I wasn't prepared for anything. All I thought was, I would apologize and then I would tell him that I indeed had feelings for him and we would then kiss and walk off into the sunset, holding hands. I did not think that he would be so to the point with his questions and I also didn't think that he would ask that question.

"I, uh," I pulled at my shirt, my fingers shaking with nerves, "I, um, I wanted to talk to you."

Luke studied me for a few moments, before he opened the door wider with a sigh escaping his mouth. He nodded at me and jerked his head towards the inside of his room, "Come in."

A small smile lit up my face as I walked inside his room and removed my bag off my shoulder, placing it on the floor, beside his bed, "Your mom said that you are not feeling well," I stated, hoping that it would be a good conversation starter, "How are you now?"

"I lied," he stated simply, sitting cross-legged on his bed as he motioned for me to sit down as well.

"Oh," I nodded, my mouth suddenly going dry as I moved closer to the bed and sat on it, across from him, but still a good distance away from him.

I didn't know what I should speak now. I didn't know where I should start. I had an inkling of doubt that he would shoot down and answer bluntly for every conversation starter that I tried.

"You wanted to talk to me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me, pushing me to just open my mouth and get it over with.

I lifted my head up to meet his eyes, my heart thumping against my chest as I inhaled a deep breath and blurted out, "I'm sorry."

Luke frowned for a moment, before his face went black and he raised an eyebrow at me, "You are sorry?"

"Yeah," I nodded my head at him, "I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I avoided you. I'm sorry that I didn't know about your feelings. I'm sorry that I was blinded by my principles and didn't realize earlier that you are in love with me."

Luke looked at me silently for a few minutes, before he slowly let out a nod, "I'm sorry too," he told, "I'm sorry that I'm not as important in your life."

My eyes immediately widened and I looked at him like he was crazy, "Luke, you are important to me. You are more important to me than anyone else in my life."

"No, I'm not," he chuckled dryly, his voice devoid of any humor, "It hurts you know, when you realize you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were, but that's fine. I'll live."

"Where is this coming from?" I frowned, "You are more important to me than you think you are."

"You sure about that?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm sure," I told him immediately, without any hesitations, "Why didn't you tell me earlier though? Why weren't you open to me about your feelings?"

Luke immediately burst out laughing, like his chuckle, his laugh was also devoid of any humor, "You are kidding, right?" he shook his head at me, "I was as open as any person could be with my feelings. You were the only one who didn't see it, Caroline. All our friends realized it, only you didn't."

I frowned, "I don't understand. How were you open with me?"

"Seriously?" he asked, his tone going from bitter to frustration, "You have not figured that out, yet? I have always wanted to be with you; be it sun or rain, I have spent it by your side. I am the one who usually initializes any hang out plan between us. Why do you think that is? Because I want to spend my time with you. I flirted with you. So openly, that even the guys, who are known to be slow in all these relationship things, caught on, but you didn't – in our case, you were the slow one in the relationship, or the lack thereof. I was so protective of you. I notice all those little things like how you have parted your hair to the left today, instead of parting it to your right like you always do," he told the last part slowly, looking me into the eyes as he did, "How more open do you want me to be?"

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