"Listen, Nova," he started, locking his eyes with her, "I hooked up with that girl, yes. But she was the one who pushed herself onto me during this one party that I went to two weeks ago. When the school started last week, she suddenly sprung out of nowhere and asked me to go out on a date with her. I reminded her that I had already told her that our hookup meant nothing to me and it was a onetime thing. She wouldn't stop stalking me after that though. So, I told her to quit it. This is what happened. I'm tired of people fabricating lies about me and these rumors are bothering me more these days."

Nova snapped back to her original self and suddenly glared at Tristan, mustering up all the hate in the world that she could, "Then how about you don't give them a truth in which they can fabricate a lie into?" she snapped, glaring at him, "You were not like this, Tristan. Why did you become a player? What changed suddenly?"

"Nova," I warned her, desperately trying to get this argument to stop. Nova was putting her nose in places that it did not belong in and Tristan looked like he was going to snap and I didn't want that.

I was the only one who knew the reason behind Tristan's change of character; maybe now Luke and Axel did too. But that was it. The reason was named Amelia Quartos and it was a name forbidden among our friends. We never talk about anything that concerns her or of her. We never remind each other of that girl who changed our lives after the one mistake that she did.

I felt Tristan tensing beside me and he slung his arm over my shoulder, squeezing me to him. It was more to reassure himself, than to reassure me, "Nova, I think you should just stop talking," he said slowly, looking at her like he would love to just rip her eyes out of her sockets.

"I should stop talking?" She raised an eyebrow at him, "Maybe you should stop playing with a girl's heart."

"I tell the girls that I am hooking up with that there would be nothing serious between us," Tristan spat, "You don't know anything about me or anything that has happened in my life. Just because we have all accepted you as a friend in our lives doesn't mean that you can thrust your nose anywhere that it doesn't belong. You trying to change me and trying to make me feel like the bad guy here is not going to work. My friends have no problem with the way I am. So don't bother pulling this card at me again."

With that he violently pushed himself off of me and marched out of the school, his body shaking with anger. I watched his retreating figure, before I turned to look at Nova, "I think you pushed the wrong buttons today."

"I don't care," she scoffed, looking at me with disappointment, "How can you all let him be that way? You are all his best friends. I have seen enough to know that he would do anything that you guys asked him to, why won't you tell him to quit being a player?"

She was not accusing me and the others, she was just being genuinely curious and my shoulders slumped in defeat, "It's not that easy, Nova."

"It is easy," she protested, "You guys can talk him out of acting this way. His heartbreaker ways can be stopped."

"One, it is not easy," I repeated, "And two, we cannot talk him out of anything. We are his best friends, but it is his life. Yes, we don't approve of him being this player, but as he said earlier, the girls know what they are signing up for when they hook up with Tristan. And that leads to three, he is not a heartbreaker."

"I don't understand," she sighed, running a hand through her hair, "I have known you guys for a few months now and you people are really close with each other. You are there for each other through every step of the way, so why are you guys not stopping Tristan?"

I shrugged, looking away from her, "It's not really my story to share, but I'll tell you a part. Tristan has been through a lot in his life. He is a single child, both his parents are doctors who are very busy and have no time for their only son. That leaves Tristan alone and lonely. He has us, but we weren't enough. He found someone who was his everything. He loved her and one day she messed everything up for them and left the town. Tristan was left heartbroken and sad. He lost trust. He stopped believing in love. He slowly changed. Now, if we all push him to change, he is going to snap and push us all away completely. I don't want that to happen, Nova. Please try to understand and stop bringing this issue up. He will one day change for the better on his own, I know he will."

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