"You, my brother, are a very curious one," I tapped at his nose playfully making him scowl at me. Laughing, I leaned back on the headboard, letting out a shrug, "She said she was sorry and she admitted to being in the wrong. She said she felt insecure in her relationship with Luke and took it out on me; apparently, she thought I was out to steal him away from her. It scared her."

"How could she even think that you will try to come between Luke and her?" Ethan frowned, shaking his head to himself, "I'm not saying this because you're my sister and I love you; I will always have your back and all, but I'm not saying this because of that either. Her fear and insecurities were seriously misplaced."

I smiled up at him. My heart drumming. I reminded myself of all the recent times I had felt that weird feeling inside my tummy around Luke. Had I felt something this strong when he was still with Sierra, would I have kissed him? Wouldn't that have broken all the confidence that Ethan seemed to have on me?

"You are a good person, Caroline," he continued, gently smiling at me. "Even when you were a little kid, you had morals and you lived by it. You were always kind even when our brother – me included – took advantage of your kindness. You were always this forgiving, generous girl. I remember mom talking to Uncle Patrick one day, and she said, you were upset because someone accused you for stealing their kid's toys. You hadn't taken it and the toy was later found with another kid, but you had been so broken up about that kid crying toy, you gave her some of your own toys to play. Mom was very proud of that," he smiled fondly at the memory, "What Sierra thought you were out to do – you would never do that to a girl; you would never try to go in between someone's relationship. That's absurd."

I smiled up at him, the weight in my heart easing, "Thanks, Ethan."

"You have to thank mom and dad for raising you the way they did, actually," Ethan chuckled, "Too bad they are too busy for us these days."

"I remember how we all used to be," I sighed, "Their business fever was all too sudden."

"Yeah," he agreed, "Now, they can't even call. They have their assistant Peter visit or call us every month according to his convenience – 'to check on us'."

"Ugh, Peter," I sighed, "He never calls me actually – he calls Augusta instead."

"He has a crush on her."

"Yeah, I know," I chuckled remembering all the times when Peter used to visit me sometimes. He'd go red in the face every time Augusta used to smile at him. It was comical.

"They know each other since their high school – apparently, Peter has always liked Augusta."

"Oh?" I blinked, "Who told you that?"

"Peter," he said, "He's even thinking of asking her out on a date."

"Kade will be so pissed if he becomes aware of the fact that Peter has a crush on Augusta," I frowned, "And I have no clue what he will do if Peter asks his mother out on a date."

Ethan shrugged, "They're both consenting adults though. If Augusta liked Peter and if she wanted to go on a date with him when he asks her out, Kade should be mature enough to be happy for her. He should be happy that his mother was trying to move on."

I nodded, agreeing with his words. He should. But will he?

"You saw mom and dad's latest interview?" Ethan asked, trying to get my mind off Kade and his possible outburst in the near future.

I sighed. Our parents appearing on television, giving out interviews, being featured in tabloids – none of those can possible shock me. It was all normal considering our parents own the N&N Steel Company – they were one of the largest steel manufacturing industry in our country. Also the reason why Blaine Carter seemed to have recognized me by my last name.

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