I rolled my eyes at him, pretending to not be affected by his words, "Care to tell me why you dragged me here then?"

He smiled, "Turn around."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "What?"

He didn't reply, instead he took a step closer to me and clamped both his hands to my shoulders. In one swift move, he whirled me around so that my back was facing his chest. A gasp of surprise escaped out of my mouth due to his quick action and both my hands rested over the cabinet in front of me. I looked up and my eyes widened when they locked with Luke's reflection on the mirror in front of me.


"Shut up," he cut me off with a smirk and slowly pressed his fingers to my lower back, massaging his up my spine.

I shut my mouth immediately after knowing what he was doing and a small smile made its way over to my lips. He was massaging my spine like he always used to do back in home when I get my spinal pain. As a child and as a grownup, I had always had a weak spine and that was the reason why I get the pain whenever I travel a lot or even when I try to play a sport for a long time.

Without my own concern a moan escaped my mouth just when Luke was massaging my mid back and both of us froze. I slapped a hand over my mouth and looked at him through the mirror with wide eyes, "I'm so sorry."

Luke got hold of my hips and pulled me to him in such a way that my back was pressed to his chest and leaned down to whisper, "If you don't want me to kiss you again, keep your moans to yourself."

With that he pushed me forward and then started to massage my back again while I just stood holding the cabinet with wide eyes, his words echoing through my brain again and again with a hot blush rising to my cheeks.

By the time we reached Melbourne, I was still wide awake from what had happened between me and Luke in the restroom a few hours ago. No, we did not kiss. But something about the way he had told me to stop moaning if I didn't want him to kiss me again, was enough to have me restless the entire night. We boarded another twenty minute flight from Melbourne to Tasmania and I sat next to Aaron there.

This was my chance to ask the question that was swarming in my mind without having any of our other brothers hearing it. They would be giving Aaron a hard time if they heard the full story of my travel to New Zealand a few months ago. And both I and my brother wouldn't like that.

"So, when were you going to tell me that you became friends with Harper again?" I turned to my brother and raised an eyebrow at him.

My brother shrugged, "After I finished getting scolded by Andrew for getting arrested, I guess."

I grimaced. Andrew had not been kind on either of our cases. He had grilled into me and Aaron about the dangers of a girl – his little sister – traveling alone to New Zealand. I could have told him that Luke and Augusta were with me and saved me the trouble, but then I had my suspicions that he will call Augusta and start lecturing her on how she should not encourage me to travel across country like this. That would be a disaster. So, Instead of throwing Augusta under the bus too, I sat silently, looking down at my lap as I listened to him.

He had been very hard on Aaron than he had on me. He and my other two brothers were not really happy with him when they learned that Aaron had gotten himself arrested for vandalism of property. They scolded him to the point where I think Aaron is forever scarred with their words. I would hate to be in his place.

"That was bad," I commented, grimacing more when I thought about Andrew's furious face back in hotel the next day after Aaron's graduation when he started to talk to me and Aaron.

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