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So after helping him in arranging his model, the chief guests came and examined our models. We explained our topic then he went to watch other models.
I was not well at that time. I had fever plus stomach and head ache. So I was freaking out of pain and was also hungry.
So we sat and were having our lunch.
"Thank you so much, it wouldn't be possible without you", I got a voice from my back.
It was that guy of 11th.
"It's okay", I said.
He gave me a really cute smile.
I got back to my stall just beside him.
"Oh! By the way my name is Ayush", he said.
I was feeling awkward at that moment because I don't like interacting with new ones.
"I am Ananta", I said.
We both smiled at each other.
I don't know suddenly what happened to me. I got shocked myself as I suddenly started talking to him.

"Are you a new student? Cause I haven't seen you in this school I mean I am the 'Sports Captain as well as discipline incharge, so I have seen almost every student from 8th to 12th", I asked.
"Yeah! I have just took admission here, in this session only", he replied.
Then we started talking and all my friends were shocked. They said,"Now we're gonna have a heart stroke".
They have never expected that I'll talk with someone in such a friendly way I was doing with Ayush.
"OMG!! What am I doing? Heck! I don't have any idea", I mummered in myself.
Then, after sometime, Ayush's friends came and took him somewhere.
My eyes kept on searching him.
What was happening to me at that time! I was quite shocked.
"What happened to you suddenly! For the first time we have seen you opening up with someone so easily. It took us an year to gain your trust", Kanishka said.
"I don't know, it's just my heart ordering me to talk to him", I exclaimed.
"And whom are you waiting for with such a deep feeling of anxiety?" Pratyush asked.
"No one! Why will I wait for someone? ", I replied.
Pratyush always figures out my correct feelings on the spot.
"Hmmm....I see", Pratyush said with doubtful eyes.
After an hour Ayush was back. He was with his family (his mother, sister, father and his sister's son who was damn cute)
He came to me and introduced me with his family, still don't know why. "Awww..he's so cute", I said while looking at his sister's son. "His name is Advik and is 11 months old", he replied,"I have given him a nickname, drunkard. "
I laughed, "what? But why?"
"He always holds his bottle of milk", he said laughing.
My friends were giving me bad looks. It seemed as I have asked them to give me their lungs.
It was the time of departure. Suddenly I got up and went to Ayush and asked if he could give me his number and he actually gave!
Now, it seemed like my friends had already got a minor heart stroke.
They were actually stunned and actually I was stunned myself.

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