Chapter 1

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** A breach opened in Kara's loft ** {By the way I'm still using the K: O: style because yes I still like to write in this way}

S: Kara ?

K: Yes Sara? 

S: Meet the Oliver Queen

K: I meet him once.

S: The jerk one.

K: But why?

S: He is attacked and you need to keep him safe 

O: W-where am I ?

K: I'm a friend of yours

O: I don't remember

S: I'm going to let you guys to talk see you by the way Kara his mind will be erased.

K: Thank god.

O: What ?

K: Nothing...

*Sara left *

O: So we are finally alone

K: And this means ?

O: I'm alone with a beautiful girl you are suppose to know what this means

K: Flattered but no.

O: One night...

K: I'm not doing such a thing

O: What a saint...

K: Are you sure that you are going to talk with me like that?

O: I know I'm more stronger than you Lady and I want to go out I don't think you can protect me from something

K: Sure?

O: Yes 

Kara flied him somewhere he can see the loft but small very small


K: Language so what am I?

O: Beautiful powerfull

K: Ye ye you can continue 

O: But PLEASE Let me down !

K: Since you asked so nicely. *Kara flied Oliver down to her  loft "

K: So you are going to be a good boy and stop flirting with me ?

O: Yes Ma'am but a thing it's kinda impossible

K: Good boy I know will be hard for you but you 

O: No no no stop flirting with you

K: Why ?

O: Because you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen

K: *Blushed* 

O: Did someone told you , you are beautiful when you are blushing

K: *Blush even more harder* Stop please.

O: What being me ?

K: Ye for a second

O: Why ?

K: I mean you are clearly in love with me but .

O: But?

K: You have a girlfriend in the feature...

O: Me a girlfriend ?

K: Yes

O: Higher chances would be to sleep with you than having a girlfriendK: Ah...

O: What ?

K: You need to stop now we , we can't...

O: Okay but want to do a bet ?

K: Depends what I get

O: Stop flirting with you being a good boy

K: And me ?

O: Kiss me.

K: W-what ?

K: What you need to win ?

O: To tell you who you really are?

K: What do you mean?

O: Yes or no ?

K: Yes I'm going to be soooo happy too see you like a Good boy Oliver Queen and not a flirt one

O: Please don't underestimate me

O: You are an alien you are from Krypton your name is Kara Zor-el you have freeze breath heat vision flying super strenght did I miss something ? and yes your Planet exploded

K: W-W-W-W-H-H-A-A-T-T ???

O: My prize ?


O: Have my connections.


O: First my prize Kara.

K: Okay... *She kissed him he kissed her back but she didn't broke up the kiss just after 10 seconds until she realized what is she doing *

O: Ok so you're hot, Super cute , an Alien , Badass , and a hell of a kisser you are perfect....

K: S-So wh-hat connections ?

O: You know that friend of yours?

K: Sara?

O: She told me everything but please don't tell her I said so I prefer to get a battle from her not from you

K: I'm glad you know who you are against with 

O: When I have found that you're an alien it was a new thing for me it was hard to believe but somehow when you flied me I knew it was tr/Interrupted by a breach/

S: Oliver Queen get your ass here

O: Yes Ma'am

K: Hey Sara ?

S: Yes?

K: Thank you

S: For what ?

K: I know Sara

S: I'm going to kick his ass on the ship

K: Don't do that I kinda "Tortured" him for that information

S: You torture ? are you sure ?

K: I don't mean in the sense of the word I kinda flied him out and made him to fear for his life so yeah...

S: I pronounce you Oliver Queen's wife

K: *She blushed * Sara !

S: Need to go bye it's a shame I need to erase his mind 

K: I know... See ya

S: See ya

*** On the ship ***

S: Good work Oliver

O: Thank you but she is a hell of a kisser though

S: You will kiss her in the feature

O: It will be worth it 

S: Let's go and put you back in timeline

O: Coming 

*** After she puts Oliver back in timeline and Oliver pretends nothing happen the past remains past NOTHING changed ***

O: Hey Sara ?

S: Yeah?

O: Thank you...

S: It was my pleasure I kinda called Kara to come here in 1 minute

O: Sara how can I thank you enough ?

S: By making her your wife Oliver she is the perfect one for you /Right Sara? Like barry for you/ and shut the hell up about you know what

O: About what *Making Sara to know what is he talking about *

* A breach opened*

K: Oliver *She goes and hug him and surprise surprise Oliver hugs her back*

O: Kara how are you ?

K: Sara called me

S: I kinda need to go but you can talk with Oliver

K: If he don't mind

O : I'm more than okay to talk with you Kara.

*Sara leaved*

K: Okay...

O: Kara 

K: Yes *She tried to not think about that kiss with Oliver she will not forget now or never*

O: How was?

K: What?

O: To fly me up and kissing me ?


O: Kara I mean I make with Sara a deal I can't tell you what is my part of the deal but hers was to do what she did

K: Why?

O: Because I love you Kara...

K: *When he told her that her hearth skipped a beat* A-Are you sure ?

O: Why did you think Kara? I made Sara to risk the Timeline only for me it was selfish...

K: It was for me?

O: Yes !

K: I love you too Oliver Queen *She kissed him even more passionately like the first time and he he kissed her back without a hesitation they let access for their tongues to dance a slow dance*

O: What made you

K: The first time you kissed me I just can't forget 

O: The first one is the more important

K: And for us It's big...

O: Yes it is...

*** The end of Chapter 1 ***

********************* SPOILERS AHEAD************************
 Will be a 3 part Story

Chapter 2 will be how they are gonna marry

Chapter 3 will be how they are gonna have kids

- Love ya your SuperArrow Writter

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