Chapter 5 (The End)

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Anyways, let me say something before I start this chapter and the end of this book, I know I didn't update something else than The Feature Movie, but I update what you guys like, and yes I know I have "Can't Catch Feelings" but there is hard.


Okay." Oliver said preparing with Kara hugging her tight, Kara cried, Oliver was too sad but he had to do this, to let them go till the danger was gone, for his love, Kara Danvers.

Diggle appeared from nowhere, God knows how. "Oliver STOP!" Diggle said

What?" Oliver asked

I have the "cure"" Diggle said

What do you mean, Dig?" Kara asked

Oliver was not 100% sure if the cure still existed, He told me to search it for him, and I found it,"Kill" for it." Diggle said Oliver got it.

Where is it?" Kara asked

I can't get it from where is it, but Oliver have to go with me first." Diggle said

Anything just make sure he is okay, or I'm going to kill not kick your ass!" Kara said angry smiled and left.

He's dead?" Oliver asked

He is man, The Kryptonite is gone, you can finally try to be with Kara, I have to go, I have a date with Dinah." Diggle said

I kinda have an hour"Oliver said with a smirk

Shut up, Queen" Diggle said laughing and left

How I'm going to tell Kara? " Oliver asked himself.

--- After an hour Oliver met with Kara---

So, you're cured?" Kara asked with a shy voice.

Oliver started with a sad face, N." Kara interrupted him with her cry

Yes Kara, I'm cured" Oliver said with a smile hugging Kara.

"Thank Rao!!" Kara said

"Kara I have to tell you something, I kinda have lied to you, I was never sick"Kara gasped Oliver continued" Someone treaten your life, If I wasn't going to do what he will say" Oliver said


" THE THING IS, HE HAD!" Oliver said copying Kara's angry voice.

"W-what do you mean?" Kara asked

He had Kryptonite, he had a robot full of it,his name was Lex Luthor." Oliver said

From Earth-38???" Kara asked

Yes." Oliver said

Is he dead?" Kara said this was the only thing that came from her mouth.

With Dig's help, yes." Oliver said

I'm sorry..." Kara said with a shy voice and a sad voice and face.

"Don't be sad you're going to make me be too, I can't stand looking at you sad, I love you Kara Danvers..." Oliver finally said it

"D-Do Y-ou?" Kara asked almost not knowing if she heard it right.

"Yes." Oliver said

Kara went right to his lips but broke the kiss in 2 seconds.

This is punishment?" Oliver asked

Yes, I'm the only one who can kiss you, got it?" Kara asked

But if you're going to kiss me in a week, maybe I should chan/Oliver was interrupted by Kara kissing him

Are you happy?" Kara asked

More than should be." Oliver said

---- The End ----

I know this was a bad, a crap chapter and sucked more than the others but this story wasn't continued for a reason, because I don't get ideas, and it's better to have an ending of my own not yours.

522 Words btw.

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