"I am going to get ready for school," I turned to look at Kyra who opened one eye and looked at me groggily, not having any idea why I had said it.


I switched off the alarm clock before it could ring and rolled my eyes playfully at her stupidity. It is not a big secret among us that a sleepy Kyra was not a smart Kyra. "That is your cue to get out of my room and get inside your own."

"I don't wanna."

"If you don't get up now, I may use force," I shrugged, warning her in the most serious tone that I could muster up.

"Like what?" there was suspicion in her tone, but she hasn't still opened her eyes.

Like what?

I frowned at her and then blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. "I will tell Kade that you stole his new video game."

Kyra got up to a sitting position, lazily stretching, her lips forming into an unattractive frown as she looked up at me. "You are a meanie, you know that right?"

"I know that very well, Kyra."

"And you are ugly when you wake up in the morning," she narrowed her eyes at me playfully, not really meaning a single word that she was saying, "You are a pig when you eat pancakes, especially mom's chocolate chip ones. You are a liar when you want ice creams, don't think that I don't know about how you made Luke get you an ice cream yesterday. You are-"

"Whoa, whoa!" I held up both my hands to stop her, my eyes widening in surprise, "You are full of confessions today, aren't you?"

She shrugged with naughty sparkle lighting up her bright Hazel eyes, a smile brighter than what I saw on her face last night plastered on her face. "I happen to be very truthful when I don't get my way in anything."

"I can see that," I nodded and then jerked my head to the side as Kade walked inside my room like he owned the mine.

"Good morning, twin," he grinned at Kyra and then turned to me, "Morning, sister from another mister."

I had to laugh at that. "Where did you even hear that?"

"My twin's teaching," he pointed at Kyra with a shrug, who in return narrowed her eyes at him, "She is the one who always addresses you as the sister from another mister. I got used to it."

"Good to know," I chuckled and then shook his head at him, "So why are you here so early in the morning? What is so urgent that you want to discuss with me that didn't even give you the time to knock on my door before entering?"

"Sorry about not knocking," he gave me an unapologetic shrug, "For all, I know you could have been naked or even getting it on with my sister-" What? "-I shouldn't have barged in like that. It was so wrong of me."

I looked at Kyra with a perplexed frown and she looked at me with a disgusted look before we both turned to Kade. "What?"

He flinched at our tone but then scowled at us. "Jeez! You didn't have to try to make me deaf for that."

"What do you mean getting it on with your sister?" I ignored his complaint while glaring at him.

He faked a frown, but his eyes reflected mischief that let me know that he was just teasing us. "You were both very loud yesterday...?"

"Kade!" Kyra whined and threw a pillow at him which he easily caught while glancing at her with a confused look.


"I have a boyfriend," she snapped at her twin much to my amusement as I walked over to my closet and pulled out an outfit for the day.

I watched as Kade's face formed a small 'O' as he looked between both me and his twin with a calculating stare. From the playfully intent look that he was giving me, I know for sure that whatever he was going to say was going to irk Kyra all the more.

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