Letter 7

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It's been 5 months now.
Your birthday is today.
Surprisingly today is also the day we leave for tour.
There are 6 bunks on the bus but you already know that considering it's the same bus we've used for every tour.
Do you remember our first tour when me and you broke the curtain for your bunk?
Jonah yelled at us that night but me and you laughed it off.
We have a lot of good memories together that's why your my best friend.
The dent in the wall is still there from the second tour we did when you pushed me and my head it.
That night you were so apologetic and nice to me. You wouldn't leave my side.
It wasn't that unusual but i loved it.
I love you.
Tour ain't going to be the same.
Neither will performing.
The boys have decided me and corbyn will take over all your parts on the songs.
I may cry.
But hopefully the fans won't get mad at me.

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