I pressed both my hands to my mouth and released a choked sob, looking at all my friends like they were aliens. There is no way in hell I had become this lucky to get these amazing people as friends. How did this even happen?

"Please tell me they are happy tears," Luke said sitting next to me and removing my hands off my mouth.

I looked at him with wide eyes and nodded frantically since I was still pretty much speechless.

Luke smiled at me and used the back of his hand to wipe the tears off my face. He leaned forward and pulled me into a hug which I gladly returned.

"Happy birthday Caroline Andrea Harper," he whispered into my ears and I smiled into his shoulder.

"Thank you," I whispered back.

We were not even in the hug for more than three seconds when a voice which I guess belonged to Kade shouted, "Group hug!"

My eyes widened and before I could even realize what was happening there were a lot of people surrounding me on my bed, some even crushing me with their hug.

Group hug, my foot! I am so going to kill Kade!

This was the way I started my seventeenth birthday. The rest of the night passed with me making a wish and cutting the cake, all my friends smearing the cream on my face, and Theo videotaping the entire event of us all laughing and whining about the cream on our faces.

My friends had all left my room at about three in the morning, except for Luke who was still sitting beside me as we recalled my previous birthdays. When the alarm clock sounded through my room signaling that it was time for me to get out of bed and start getting ready to school, I had not even gotten a wink of sleep.

I smiled turning to Luke after slapping my alarm clock shut. "I guess that's your cue."

"To what?" he pouted, faking ignorance.

"To get out," I shrugged, "I have to get dressed for school, you idiot."

"Or," he drawled, mischief reflecting in his eyes, "You could just go in a birthday suit."

"I could," I agreed and Luke's jaw went down in disbelief. So I smirked and finished, "But I won't."

His jaws snapped shut as he narrowed his eyes at me and smirked. "Yeah, that's right. Save it for me."

Now it was my turn to let my jaws down in disbelief. Luke laughed and closed my jaw gently with his fingers and then softly pressed his lips to my cheek. "Don't leave your mouth open, Care. You are giving me ideas about what it could be used for."

At first, I didn't realize what he was telling me, but when I did, I couldn't help it, my eyes widened and my cheeks got flushed with a hot blush seeping from my neck to my cheeks. "Luke!" I shoved him away from me and looked at him in disbelief.

Luke burst out laughing. "That was so funny!"

"That was so not funny!"

"You should have seen your face," he clutched his stomach and was still laughing like a maniac.

I pouted. "This is not fair. Today is my birthday and you are making fun of me."

Luke's laugh immediately died down and he gave me an apologizing look. "You are right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you that. It was inappropriate and I shouldn't have," He took my hands in his and made me stand up, "I promise to never tease you the whole day today. I will baby you. Spoil you rotten. Get you everything that you ask me for. I will make this birthday the best birthday of your life."

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