Zack has never been good with strangers. He was as repulsive to them as he was to me and would always end up crying and throwing a fit if any of them tries to make him play with them or squeeze his cheeks - which they always do. That was who Zack was. He was the kind of kid who you can only watch from a distance but never touch.

"Cware!" Zack cried happily when his panicked eyes landed on me and he raised his both hands up, asking me to pick him up.

I smiled as I walked over to him and picked him up, cradling him close to me. I didn't let the surprise of his actions show on my face. This has to be one of those rare moments when Zack has come to me or even near me willingly.

All thanks to Edward Cullen and Christian Grey here!

"You both scared him so much that he willingly came to Care," Luke snorted, rolling his eyes at the two idiots before him.

I chuckled at the two boys pouting adorably. "Who of the two of you is Edward?"

"Me," River grinned.

River was wearing a dark brown plaid shirt with a black leather jacket over it. His dark jeans paired well with the shirt and jacket combination. I couldn't help but notice the happy glint in his grey eyes as he looked up at me with that warm grin. His blonde hair was up in all directions, windswept.

I nodded at him and then rolled my eyes, turning to Theo, "And you are Christian Grey? Really?"

Theo was dressed completely opposite to how River was dressed. He was wearing an ugly orange polo t-shirt with shorts – both of them screaming brand and his feet were comfortable inside a pair of green vans. His black hair was messy – almost like bed hair – it looked like he could care less about combing his hair as he ran a hair through it making it messier than before. His grey eyes – similar to that of his cousin – glowed, but there was something familiar always present in his eyes that I am yet to figure out.

"He was the one to choose it," he pointed a finger at River in a playful accusation, "I wanted to go with Peeta Mellark."

"I suppose Augustus Waters would have been good for you," I pointed at River and then turned to Theo, "And Jacob Black would have been good on you."

"Yeah, an oversized dog would suit Theo," Luke mumbled under his breath and I nudged him with a warning glance asking him through my eyes to behave. He sighed, but then nodded accepting my request.

Theo and River nodded. "We will remember that the next time we introduce ourselves to someone else using fake movie character names."

I smiled at River and Theo before walking over to the other couch and sat on it, being careful not to jolt Zack too much in the process. He was still anxious and was clutching to my neck with a death grip; if he had been stronger, he would probably end up choking me. His face was buried in the crook of my neck making it difficult for me to sit on the couch without disturbing him.

"Do you want something to drink?" Luke asked seeing I had my hands full already, "Did Augusta give you anything to drink? She was in a hurry to leave."

"It's fine. Water would suffice," River answered as politely as ever, "Thank you."

Luke nodded with a small smile as he made his way to the kitchen to bring our new friends each a glass of water, but not without a final glance at me. It made something in my stomach flip with an intensity that could put an electrical shock to shame. River and Theo sat silently on the couch as they looked around the living room seemingly taking in everything around us.

I stayed silent and let them settle down comfortably; meanwhile, I went back to staring down at Zack as he snuggled even closer to me. Luke returned to the living room after a few minutes carrying two glasses of water in his hand. After he gave both Theo and River a glass of water, he came to sit down next to me on the couch; all the while he was smiling at River, but giving some kind of weird look to Theo.

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