Cavalry Battle

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Sorry I haven't been uploading I've just been reading through a few of my stories and am working on them or just making whole other stories to replace it so yeah. 

Though I'm a little gloomy that this is the only story that's really doing well. But I guess it's sent's I'm still a relatively new writer.

After the announcement was made everyone started looking for teammates most of class 1 a and a few from class 1-b going over to Bakugou, and Todoroki. After all the strongest members of the class.

Bakugou blinked at everyone "Alright everyone tell me your names and quirks." Bakugou shouts as everyone looks surprised then angry.

"What the heck man were members of our class. How selfish are you." Sato shouts at him.

"Hey Bakugou let me on your team I'm Eijiro Kirishima. My quirk let's me harden my skin so I can take any explosion you throw." Kirishima said as he harden his arm as proof.

"I can shoot my scales at the enemy to help keep them at bay." Rin said turning his arm scaly.

Todoroki already chose his team which was Kosei, Yaoyorozu, and Iida. Izuku wasn't so lucky everyone he goes to turn their head and say sorry. It got to the point where Izuku now looked really gloomy.

"Wahhhhhh" Izuku said as tears started coming down his face sent's no one wanted him. Everyone saw this and immediately ran over to Izuku trying to calm him down.

"It's okay Izuku I'll be on your team so stop crying." Uraraka shouts before suddenly Izuku is swept up by Mei Hatsume.

"Oh aren't you just adorable with you me and my babies will be in the center of everyone's attention." She shouts as she lifts Izuku up lion king style to the crowd. Izuku got an idea from this he took a deep breath then.

"Roar" Izuku shouts it came out as an adorable one that any kid who tried it would sound like.

"Awww." Everyone in the crowd says hearing it and looking at Izuku's blank face. Though on the inside he was happy to have the attention back to him. (He was abandoned and is part cat what do you expect.)

"Hey give him back." Uraraka said as she tried to take Izuku away from Mei. She grabbed Izuku's tail and started pulling but fell over because it got longer as she tried to take him away from Mei.

Izuku just looked at her blankly before suddenly dark shadow grabbed him and Tokoyami glared at the two.

"That's enough you two." He says as Izuku is being held by dark shadow above Tokoyami out of the reach of both of them. Well out of reach unless Mei uses her jet pack or Uraraka using her quirk.

Izuku pulls a sign out of no where and uses a marker on it. He then turns it around.

"I have a plan." It read as everyone closed in and Tokoyami used Dark Shadow cover any blind spots.

Timeskip brought by Izuku holding a sign next to Mei who presses a remote button and the sign gets rocket boosters and sends Izuku flying.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen the Cavalry Battle is about to begin." Present Mic shouts as everyone get's ready. (The only differences in teams are Denki, and Kosei swapping teams and Mina and Rin doing the same. Sorry If it's not much I just don't want to waste time on teams not getting as much screen time.)

Everyone but team Bakugou, Todoroki and Neko I mean Izuku charged at everyone. Mostly the three mentioned. Todoroki had Momo and Kosei use their quirks to make shields that cover most of the right side. Bakugou just blasted off flying every time someone got close. Now Izuku's team did something weird they ran at the wall of the stadium then stopped and Izuku's tail was extended and tapping a the wall.

"What is team Izuku doing." Present Mic asks before suddenly a block of cement pushed in and I kid you not the walls turned around revealing a armory of weapons like in a spy movie.

"Oh that's what their doing. Every team run for your lives." Present Mic shouts as the teams who were chasing after Izuku turn around and start running as Dark Shadow and Izuku take weapons before closing the wall.

Izuku now holds a rocket launcher in his tail, and two Uzi's. While Dark Shadow holds up two grenade launchers. They both loaded up paint balls in the weapons and aimed the weapons at the other teams.

"Alright this is a stick up hand over your head bands or else." Dark Shadow shouts. All the teams look at each other some really considering it knowing what Izuku can do.

"Hahaha I bet it's a bluff." Monoma said before he and his team regretted it. Izuku's team all turned to his and ran after them. All the other teams were watching this and were laughing at Monoma who was the one getting targeted most of the time. Finally they just handed the headband over to Izuku.

"Alright who's next?" Dark Shadow asked till everyone just went after Bakugou and Todoroki.

Sorry if this was so short I just wasn't as big a fan of the cavalry battle I don't know why. Also stress has been hitting me with school work and making these stories actually helps me calm down a bit. When I'm feeling a bit better I might rewrite this if I remember.

I've been considering making a story where Izuku creates waddle dees that are super powered by one for all.

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