Chapter 4: Hammer To Fall

Start from the beginning

Okay, so the question caught both of the 95-liners off guard. "Sian, you already know who my boyfriend is."




Youngho tried not to smile when he heard the disappointment in the kid's voice.

"Oh? Sian, we've been dating for 4 years... you should be used to him by now," Yebin nagged him. She sighed, as she turned back to her friend. "Anyway, Sian-ah, this is my friend, Youngho. He's going to be an idol soon."

This seemed to have changed a tune in the small boy, his eyes widening in awe. "An idol?"

"And Youngho, this is Sian... my brother," she introduced, with a bit of unsureness in her voice. Despite her hesitant manner, Yebin patted his head. "Mm, Sian, let's take you home, okay?"

"I don't want to go home yet," Sian pouted, clinging onto his sister's arm. "It's not too late yet!"

Yebin gave a look, "It's late for you, Sian. It's already almost 8, you have school tomorrow." A groan. "Speaking of, why are you at the school on a weekend?"

Sian peered down. "It's a place I know pretty well... and I know you know."

"Sian, this was very reckless, you know that, right?"

"I know..."

"Hey." Yebin and Sian glanced over to Youngho, who had interjected into their serious conversation. "How about we stop by this one cafe place I know has these really good fluffy pancakes?"

"Fluffy pancakes?" Sian gaped with wonder. His once sullen expression changed into a more positive one. His small hand gripped at his sister's jacket sleeve, shaking it excitedly. "Noona, can we please go there?"

Yebin shot a glare over at Youngho for suggesting such a thing. But seeing her brother's overly-delighted face made her sway. Another reason why she can't show up around this kid was that she can never say no to him.

She could only nod, earning a very joyous cheer from the youngest.

From that point, Youngho had already called down a cab for the three of them to take. Sian was more than ready to climb in and get the ride to this amazing cafe. Just as Yebin sat by the window, she let the two boys chat. Youngho had been engaging, asking Sian simple, yet interesting questions. Sian already looked comfortable with Youngho.

Yebin had to grin.

When they reached the cafe, Sian was already holding onto Youngho's hand, dragging him into the building. By the time they were seated and ordered their desired dessert, the two boys were already best friends. The way Sian was smiling so brightly brought a warmness in Yebin's heart. As she rarely sees her brother, it was good to have nice memories whenever they could.

And having Youngho around seems to have made it better.

"Which one would you like, Sian?"

"The strawberry one, hyung!"

The two boys seem so close, truly. Yebin leaned over to Youngho. "Strawberry is his favorite fruit."

"Really? Funny, I don't think I know yours when we've known each other longer," he replied, looking intently at her.

"Mine?" Yebin hummed in thought. "Maybe, it's strawberries too. Or cherries."

"Noona, it's strawberries!" Sian cut in, a firm tone.

Both Yebin and Youngho chuckled at the child's remark. "I guess it is strawberries then."

Soon enough, they ordered one plate of the fluffy, strawberry-topped pancakes. Yebin was just as amazed at Sian when the dessert finally arrived, tall and jiggly with a good helping of fresh strawberries, strawberry syrup, and whipped cream. The three absolutely devoured the stacks of cakes, finishing it seemingly too quick for their likes. However, by the time they were done, Sian was already nodding himself to sleep, barely keeping his head up after having such a delicious treat.

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