Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"it's okay if you don't wanna tell me, I'm not pressuring you but I'm always here" I smile, she looks down and smiles lightly

"let's get outta here, I wanna go clubbing" Emma says, grinning like crazy

"im up for clubbing" I say looking over at Jade "but I cant drink..." Emma looks at me with a small froen

"fuck it, i could go for some hot boys at the moment" she mutters as both Emma and i cheer. We walk out of the cafe and towards Emma's car to go shopping


"this one looks so perfect on you on you" I say with enthusiasm as Emma comes out of the changing room wearing a short red dress that shows off all her curves and some cleavage

"what about you, you haven't tried on anything!" she practically screams at me, flipping through some dresses on the rack

"i don't know-"

"this one!" she exaggerates throwing me a black dress

"okay" I groan walking towards the change rooms. The dress is comfortable in a sexy sort of way, stopping at just below my butt. It's a v-neck so it shows my cleavage but not not much and to top it all off it is a off the shoulder that clings tightly to my forearms so it doesn't fall off or down

I step out of the change rooms and do a little turn to have Jade and Emma confront me, wide eyed

"that one" the both squeal and I giggle, going to change back into my old clothes and for the dress

Jade buys a navy blue short dress that shows her cleavage and curves perfectly, let's just say we looked sexyyy. As soon as we got to my house, Emma ran up my stairs and towards my laptop to look up clubs or even party's in the area

As i followed up the stairs I couldn't hear jade behind me. I turn to look at her, at the bottem of the stairs, looking down

"im gonna go get a drink" she mutters and I nod, continuing to walk up the stairs

"i found one!" Emma yells as I enter my room "it's a downtown club that has just opened"

I nod and start getting ready, doing my make up and hair. Jade comes into my room with a glass of water and immediately starts getting ready as well

By about seven thirty we are all dressed up and ready. My hair is pin straight with small curls around my face, grey smokey eye make up finished with my dress and a small clutch to hold my phone and money

Emma hair is in curls that bounce as she walks, make up on fleak with no eye make up except for mascara and eyeliner but her lips painted a blood red matching with her dress

Jade finished up nicely with shiny dark blue eye make up, along with her dress and hair in light curls

"We lot hot" Emma explains as we all stand in front of my mirror, she looks at me "and you my dear clear up well for a pregnant lady"

I gasp and put my hand to my heart "you make me sound so old!" I say faking hurt

"honey your 17" Jade says laughing

"exactly so emma stop making me feel old" I say crossing my arms and looking away

"i can make you feel old how ever much I want" she says doing the same as i

"come'on guys stop being so childish and let's get going" Jade says and we nod in agreement

Over all the night was quiet fun, we danced, got drunk, Emma met a guy then flipped him off when he asked for her number, Jade sat at the bar the whole time taking shots until she was totally wasted

"that was the most fucking fun ive had in a while" Emma slurred stumbling her way into my house

"fuck yeah" i agree, rubbing my head as i collapse on the lounge

"got any over sized hoodies?" Jade groans and i nod

"grab any i dont care" i say laughing to myself for some reason

She runs up the stairs and returns with a familiar looking tanned hoodie on. I look at it in disbelief as it practically looks perfect on her

"is it okay if i wear this?" she asks as clouds fill my mind

"yeah actually, you can have it, it looks better on you than it ever did on me" i say speaking the truth. Parker's hoodie will away haunt me from the past but i cant hold onto it forever

"thanks" she mutters, tripping her way over to a seat next to me "Nicky I need to ask you something" Jade says. You could tell she was forcing it out

"I'm all ears" I slur, grabbing my ears and wiggling them around

"me and your brother-" she starts but is cut off my Emma's dramatic protests

"i think im gonna-" Emma says but is cut short by passing out on the couch next to the one Jade and i are sitting on

Jade starts laughing her ass off as soft snores erupt from Emma's mouth, i throw a cushion at her causing her to turn over

"shut up" i explain laughing with jade

the laughter dies down as all three of us end up falling deep in sleep knowing there's gonna be one hell of a hangover coming our way the next morning

Hello my baby's, here's another update and sorry that it took so long i just kept forgetting about it

The girl in the Hoodie *Slowly Editing*Where stories live. Discover now