japanese spitz

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"Why are you so happy?" Chan asked with a smirk when Hyunjin sat down at his friend's usual table.

"No reason." Hyunjin mindlessly twiddled his fork between his fingers, all thoughts occupied with Seungmin and his date proposal.

"Does it have anything to do with those hickeys on your neck?" Changbin spat bitterly.

Hyunjin slammed a hand over his neck, completely forgetting that Seungmin had abused his neck for entertainment while they were talking in the dog cage. A blush rose to his cheeks, and he coughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, it does," he mumbled sheepishly, not ashamed of Seungmin's work but embarrassed his friends had discovered something Hyunjin considered private.

"Damn Hyunjin, fucking around already." Changbin chuckled, but Hyunjin knew him well enough to sense the underlying jealousy.

"Fuck off, Changbin, I see your hand on Felix. Don't be a hypocritical asshole when I'm finally happy about something."

Chan banged his hand against the table to divert the two boys attention to him and hopefully ease the rising tension.

"Tell us about him," Chan requested politely, and Hyunjin lit up, his eyes sparkling with admiration for the redhead.

"Wait, Chan, you know him."

"Really? Who?" Chan cocked his head to the side like a puppy, shoving a spoonful of watered down mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"Seungmin," Hyunjin answered nonchalantly. Chan nearly spat out his mashed potatoes on the already fuming Changbin sitting in front of him when he recognized the name of his innocent friend.

"He did that?" Chan pointed incredulously at the purple marks.

"Yeah," Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at Chan's behavior. "Is that unlike him?"

"He's my pure baby! Hyunjin what did you do to him?" Chan scolded, wagging an accusing finger in Hyunjin's direction. The black-haired boy held up his hands in surrender.

"He started it! But damn, Chan, he looked so hot, it took everything in me not too-"

"Stop!" Chan screamed out, covering Jeongin's ears, who was sitting next to him at the crowded table that was trying to hold all seven boys.

"Wow, you never wanted to do that with me." Changbin scoffed, and Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"Shit, Changbin, you've never been that hot. He's a master with his tongue." Hyunjin winked at Changbin, licking his lips subconsciously as he pictured Seungmin gazing innocently into his eyes while he used his sinful tongue on Hyunjin's body.

"Jesus Christ, Hwang, don't go busting a hard on right now." Chan scrunched his nose in disgust.

"He calls me that, too," Hyunjin sighed dreamily.

"Stop daydreaming about your newest slut."

Hyunjin's head snapped in Changbin's direction, a scowl on his usually flawless features.

"What did you just call him?" He hissed.

Seungmin balled his fists and shot up from the front desk. He was determined to do what he had planned, but the thought of seeing anyone he used to know at the dreaded school was daunting. Seungmin repeatedly cracked his knuckles, his anxiety creeping up on him when he caught sight of JYP Highschool, one of the best art schools in South Korea. Hyunjin had told him during one of his visits that he knew Chan, so Seungmin assumed he attended JYP like he once had. If he was wrong, Seungmin swore he would never step foot in another school.

baby kkami | seungjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora