errmmm I can't think of a title for this

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This pic is so cute but not todoBaku

Bakugou pov

Stuped shity hair how did he get me to play truth or dare and now I have to go to school dreseed as a girl, I grab a shevron skirt a black top and a gradient blue button up top that I can tie at my waist and sluggishly go to class

As I walk in class everyone just stares at me "the fuck you looking at" I yell at them well everyone other than todoroki damn he is cute I snap back to reality when shity hair comes up to me "hey bakubro" he starts talking to me I just ignore him and walk over to my seat damnit today is going to be hell

Time skip (at home)

"Katsuki you piece of shit you are going to be late hury up" my mother yells "yes mother" I reply quickly well at least I can see todoroki-kun before I leave.

"Welcome Kats to the stage" the anonser says as I walk on the stage looking exactly like a girl I quickly look for todoroki, he is here good I start singing heart attack and once I finish I head off stage waiting for todoroki- kun once he comes I say "todoroki-Kun remember this" I say before kissing him and I leave not just him but all of this and my parents to I am moving to an apartment by myself closer to U.A.

Time skip (a few weeks later day at lunch)

At lunch Bubulegum says we are going to play truth or dare and shity hair makes me play as always it is his turn " bakugou truth or dare" he asks me "dare" I reply "ummm I dare you to kiss todoroki" he says I just stare at him well I have to do it we both stand up to do this.

Todorokis pov

Did kirishima just say that he just dare bakugou to kiss me, no no no no no no no no this can't be happening when we stand up and are facing each other he mouths 'I hope you remembered' he than kissis me just like Kats did, wait is that what he meant by 'I hope you remembered' is he Kats? She did say that she was a boy once I wanted to talk to him but the bell rings so I can't.

Bakugous pov

Holy shit I just kissed todoroki-kun.
After class I tell him to follow me we head to my apartment and I start to tell him everything even that I love him I can't stop talking he eventualy just kissed me to shut me up "I love you too Bakugou or should I say katsuk now" he hugs me and than he lays us down we fall asleep quickly.

505 words thank the nightcore gods I have just been listening to music in sound cloud wall Wrighting this it is also 11:46 right now so I am super tired.

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