The Beginning

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Snow's POV

I was waken up by the morning sunlight, as i open my eyes i was greeted by my nanny with a smile on her face.I just smile in return.

"Bonjour bébé se préparera na pour votre nouvelle école" 'Good morning baby get ready na for your new school' said nanny.

"Okay Nanny"

As i finish doing my stuff i took a last glance at the mirror before heading out, i went downstairs to greet my parents who are currently busy while eating I've been asking them a lot of questions about this new school I'm entering but they just smile in response.

"Mom I've been asking you a lot of questions regarding about the new school I'm entering but you just smile how am I supposed to keep my calm when I seriously don't have any idea about this school!" I blurted out in annoyance, I've been arguing with my mom for not answering my questions seriously.

"Regarde votre tonalité jeune" 'watch your tone young lady', mom said warning me

My dad sighed before questioning me, "neo jeongmallo algo sip-eo?" 'You really wanna know?' Of course i wanna know I wouldn't be asking about it if i don't wanna know about it, confusing right?

I forgot to tell you that my Mom half French and half Filipino while my dad is pure Korean but we three can speak in English and Spanish also tho.

"appa neun mal geudaelo malhago sipji anh-a" 'No dad I don't wanna know like literally' take note the full sarcasm

"Okay bibigyan ka namin ng handbook tungkol sa paaralan na iyon, happy?" My mom suggested and i agreed to it since it was my only choice.

I smiled, "More than happy!", as went back to my room I started reading the handbook that my mom gave me a while ago as my nanny packed my clothes cause she insisted that she'll be doing it since it's her job, so Mythic Academy is the name of the school and it says here that this is a hidden school and only those who have special abilities know this school, oh okay? I wonder what these special abilities are, pretty interesting.

After my nanny packed my clothes we went downstairs to bid goodbye to my parents when entering the car i took a last glance at my parents but to my surprise i saw them with a worried look so i open the window and told them.

"I'll behave and will not cause any trouble i promise"

"We know we cannot go there with you because of work but we promise will visit you" mom said with an assuring tone and with that the car drove away and a sigh escaped my lips.

"I'll be fine I guess?" I thought to myself before falling asleep


"Miss Snow we have arrived" said the driver so i open my eyes to see the school I was awe-struck about it, it's like your dream school

As our limousine entered the big gates opened by itself before entering i saw the school motto at the gate, You can do anything, if you believe' nice motto, i guess?

We were in front of a huge building and as I enter i walk with grace with my chin up my red and with brown in the edge hair slowly flying because of the air and my blue crystal eyes takes it all, i saw students looking at me but i don't mind at all.

I went directly at the headmistress's office before i enter i knocked twice before it opened by itself, thank god mom gave me a map of the school or else I'll be lost for sure but i can still ask the students here tho.

As i enter i saw a lady looks like she's in her twenties with her pale milk skin, shiny brown hair, and her intense green eyes and other students i suppose their the student body, you know what i mean.

"Welcome Ms. Alchemia I'm so pleased to meet you, please have a sit so we can talk properly" i guess she's the headmistress,  she's too young.

"I'm Snow Alchemia and I'm also pleased to meet you too Ms.......?" I said not knowing her surname

"It's Ms. Montevedra if you don't know" she then smiled at me

"Bein sûr, je ne sais pas" 'of course I don't know' i said whispering so that she couldn't hear it

"Eh bien, maintenant vous savez" 'well then now you know' the headmistress replied, i was shocked that the headmistress heard me or understands the word I'm saying.

"I'm impressed that you can speak in French Ms. Alchemia" she said as she handed me a folder, a thick one

"You have to read that all and after you finished reading everything, you will know how the school works my dear, ciao" she said as she bid me goodbye i just smiled at her in return and took my leave but I forgot to ask headmistress about the special ability though so i went inside again

"Did you forgot something dear?" She ask while she smile showing her white perfect teeth

"Can i ask why do people with special abilities can only know this school?" I asked with confusion written all over my face

"Didn't your parents told you about it?" I shook my head as an answer.

"Well dear you see each and everyone of us here has a special ability you can't enter this school if you don't have one"

"What kind of special abilities are you talking about?" I asked

"You know like powers and stuff like that, you seriously don't know?" She asked a bit amused

"No, and i don't have that kind of special abilities you are talking about, please don't kid around headmistress" i said, serious face.

Shock was written all over her face but then she recovered quickly and asked,

"Are you sure about that dear?"

"Yes I'm sure" seriously what she's saying isn't funny

"Oh about that i think your wrong Ms. Alchemia we all here have power and don't underestimate us" she said looking straight at my blue crystal eyes, and soon after she let out a strong wind causing for me to stumble and realise that the headmistress wasn't lying at all

"Im sorry for not believing at you headmistress" I murmured as i stand up

She smiled, "It's okay dear now off you go!" I went out with wide eyes I couldn't believe what i just saw but i recovered soon and started walking. I need to stop thinking about it *sigh*

A/N: I change the main character's name cause Sophia doesn't suits her and I change the plot of my story if you notice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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